Una dintre cele mai îndrăgite cântărețe și compozitoare - Maria Mutafcieva, ne invită în această seară la un concert. Aniversarea ei personală și cei 30 de ani de activitate pe scena muzicală. Sărbătoarea profesională și personală a lui Mary va fi..
Este din nou acea perioadă a anului în care entuziasmul apropierii sezonului festiv crește cu fiecare zi care trece. Dar zâmbetele, îmbrățișările, cadourile din perioada Crăciunului ar suna gol fără... muzică. Unul dintre cele mai emblematice cântece..
Noël approche à grands pas et la musique fait partie intégrante de l’ambiance festive. "Le plus précieux cadeau", une des chansons emblématiques de Mary Boys Band, a été interprétée pour la première fois en live dans le grand auditoire du la RNB en..
It is that time of the year again when the excitement of the coming festive season mounts with every passing day. But the smiles, the hugs, the gifts at Christmas time would ring hollow without… music. One of Mary Boys Band’s most..
Es weihnachtet wieder - Freude, Umarmungen, Geselligkeit und nicht zu vergessen: festlicher Gläserklang und Geschenke. All das steht unmittelbar bevor. Aber da fehlt doch noch etwas, nicht wahr? Das ist die Musik, die, wie alles andere in diesen..
Maria Miroslavova, aka RIA, has presented her first single called "Our Dream". Maria is 19 years old and has been involved in music since she was five. She is the daughter of two prominent Bulgarian musicians - Maria and Miroslav of "Mary..
Grupi Mary Boys Band u krijua 26 vjet më parë në qytetin Burgas. Muzikantët kanë dhënë koncerte të shumta në vendin tonë dhe jashtë, së bashku me kolegët e tyre me famë botërore nga No Mercy, Boney M, Eruption, Gibson Brothers, Racey dhe të..
In “Bulgaria Today” on Tuesday, September 28,we bring you first the latest news stories from this country. Next on the show, it’s Economy and why IT experts in Bulgaria are considered to be among the most competitive worldwide. At the end, it’s..
The Bulgarian pop band Mary Boys Band was established 26 years ago in the coastal city of Burgas. The musicians have given concerts at home and abroad, along with their world-famous colleagues from No Mercy, Boney M, Eruption, Gibson Brothers,..
Το συγκρότημα ιδρύθηκε πριν από 26 χρόνια στην πόλη Μπουργκάς. Οι μουσικοί έχουν πραγματοποιήσει συναυλίες στη χώρα μας και το εξωτερικό μαζί με τους παγκοσμίως γνωστούς συναδέλφους τους των No Mercy, Boney M, Eruption, Gibson Brothers, Racey κ.ά....