Die Seeleute des Schiffes „Tzarevna“ sind in Bulgarien angekommen. Sie wurden mit einem Regierungsflugzeug nach Warna geflogen. Nachdem sie im Hafen von Mariupol an Land gegangen waren, wurden die Seeleute von russischen Separatisten nach Donezk..
The sailors from the "Tzarevna" ship have returned to Bulgaria. They were transported back to Bulgaria onboard a government plane which landed in Varna. After disembarking at the port of Mariupol, the sailors were taken by pro-Russian separatists to..
Zum 16. Mal seit Kriegsbeginn habe die ukrainische Armee die russischen Stellungen von Tschornobajiwka bei Cherson unter Beschuss genommen , informierte Präsidentenberater Oleksiy Arestovych. Dabei seien Lager mit Raketen und Munition vernichtet..
"I am onboard the ship, because it is alive. We are waiting for a “safe corridor” to remove the bulk carrier from Mariupol" , the captain of Tsarevna ship Pavel Pavlov said for BTV. "The most difficult period is over. We haven’t felt abandoned by..
Mariupol’da kalan “Tsarevna” Bulgar gemisinin kaptanı Pavel Pavlov, bTV’ye yaptığı konuşmada “Ben gemideyim... Koridor açılmasını ve gemiyi burdan çıkarmamızı bekliyoruz. Daha zor kısmı geçti. Bulgaristan devleti tarafından terkedilmiş hissetmedik”..
Shipments from the Biden administration’s latest security assistance “have begun arriving” , a White House official told CNN. “President Biden this week approved an additional package of USD 800 million worth of weapons, ammunition and security..
Bulgarische Seeleute vom Schiff „Tzarevna“, das im Hafen von Mariupol blockiert ist, werden bis spätestens zu Ostern zurückkehren, sagte der Eigner. Die Evakuierungsoperation, die vor 3 Wochen begann, sei geheim gewesen, daher wurden die Seeleute..
Gemi sahibi firmadan alınan bilgiye göre, Mariupol limanında mahsur kalan “ Tsarevna ” gemisindeki Bulgar denizcilerin en geç Paskalya’ya kadar geri dönmeleri bekleniyor . 3 hafta önce başlayan operasyon gizli yürütüldüğünden denizcilere bilgi..
The Bulgarian sailors from the Tzarevna, which is stranded in the port of Mariupol, should be home by Easter at the latest, the ship’s owning company has said. 14 sailors from the Tzarevna are now out of Mariupo l Wives of sailors from..
The Bulgarian sailors from the ship Tzarevna, stranded in the port of Mariupol, Ukraine, evacuated all by themselves, with no help from the Bulgarian authorities, the wives of the crew members stated. According to them, their husbands made the..