“We do not have an answer, as yet, from any political party, to the proposal for a cordon sanitaire around the Movement for Rights and Freedoms-New Beginning in the 51 st National Assembly,” said Kiril Petkov, co-chair of We Continue the Change in..
At a briefing , We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB), which will likely be the second political force in parliament, urged all parties and parliamentary groups to clearly state that they will never work with the Movement for Rights..
Acting chairman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Atanas Zafirov has withdrawn the papers submitted yesterday for the BSP’s independent participation in the early election for parliament on 27 October by the supporters of Kornelia Ninova, who..
Atanas Zafirov, président intérimaire du PS, a retiré la demande de participation individuelle de son parti aux législatives anticipées le 25 octobre qui avait été déposée par les adhérents, exclus du parti et proches de la présidente démissionnaire..
On September 6, 1885, Bulgaria demonstrated that no artificial border can exist between Bulgarians. Today, we strive to remove the last one, artificially separating us from the European Union. United, we will succeed!", caretaker Premier Dimitar..
"El 6 de septiembre de 1885, Bulgaria demostró que no puede haber fronteras artificiales entre los búlgaros. Hoy nos esforzamos por abolir la última que nos separa artificialmente de la Unión Europea. Unidos lo lograremos", escribió el primer ministro..
Los líderes de Continuamos con el cambio-Bulgaria democrática comparecieron juntos en los pasillos del Parlamento para anunciar que su coalición se conserva y que su principal objetivo es atraer electores que les permitan cumplir sus prioridades. Ellos..
Les chefs de file de "Poursuivons le changement" et "Bulgarie démocratique" sont apparus ensemble dans le hall du parlement pour annoncer que leur coalition reste telle quelle et que leur objectif principal est d’attirer les électeurs ce qui leur..
''Dear media bludgeons, paid analysts and corrupt souls terrified to death, your dream of division within our ranks will not come true'', We Continue the Change co-chairman Kiril Petkov wrote on Facebook , denying any potential split within the PP-DB..
Cu puțin timp înainte de înmânarea mandatului de formare a guvernului, PP-DB a reconfirmat că refuză sprijinul. Pe Facebook, copreședintele PP-DB Kiril Petkov a subliniat că din partea coaliției nu va exista sprijin pentru un guvern GERB-SDS, la care..