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Guerre en Ukraine: Le président ukrainien a remercié la Bulgarie pour son soutien...

Le président de l'Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky a eu une conversation téléphonique avec son homologue polonais, Andrzej Duda et avec le premier ministre bulgare Kiril Pétkov. L'entretien a porté sur les actes criminels de l'agresseur russe et l'aide à..

14.03.22 08:53 |

Russian military convoy is approaching Kyiv

Russian military convoy is approaching Kyiv, France Presse has announced. The Russian forces have destroyed an airport southeast of Ukraine’s capital city.  Intense fighting is now taking place northwest of Kyiv , BBC reported. According to..

13.03.22 10:15 |
Destroyed kindergarten in Kharkiv , 8 March 2022

Efforts to evacuate civilians from Ukraine continue

Russia has declared a humanitarian cease-fire in 4 Ukrainian towns on 9 March to allow the evacuation of the civilian population. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for an end to the war with Russia, and for negotiations...

09.03.22 08:53 |
PM Kiril Petkov

PM Kiril Petkov expresses support for Ukraine in telephone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky

In a telephone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov expressed admiration for the leadership and the courage the Ukrainian president is demonstrating, giving his people strength in the face of a fratricidal war,..

05.03.22 21:19 |

Entretien Kiril Pétkov - Volodymyr Zelensky

Le premier ministre Kiril Pétkov s'est entretenu au téléphone avec le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, pour lui témoigner son admiration de son courage et de son comportement de leader, qui insuffle des forces à son peuple, dans le contexte de la..

05.03.22 21:17 |

Guerre en Ukraine : Jour 10...

Au 10e jour de son invasion  en Ukraine, la Russie continue de bombarder plusieurs villes d'Ukraine. Des civils, dont des enfants, ont été tués, alors que l'OTAN a annoncé  qu'elle n'enverrait pas de militaires sur place. Un cessez-le-feu pour permettre..

05.03.22 09:57 |
Chernihiv, Ukraine, March 2022

Russia declares cease-fire for evacuation of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha

Many towns in Ukraine are under heavy Russian fire. Once again, Kyiv is under missile attack. Pressure is worst in the Southern part of the country which is on the Black Sea. Meanwhile, the Russian forces have declared a “regime of silence ”..

05.03.22 09:48 |

There is no radiation leakage after the fire at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Fire broke out after fighting for the biggest nuclear power station in Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia. Firefighters have put out the fire at the training building, which is off the power station’s perimeter. Zaporizhzhia has 6 reactors. The power plant is now..

04.03.22 09:11 |

Guerre en Ukraine :Pas de fuite radioactive après l'attaque de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijia…

Un tir russe a frappé des infrastructures de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijia, la plus grande d'Europe, dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi. Un incendie s'est rapidement déclaré mais l'Ukraine et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie..

04.03.22 08:51 |

Zelensky urges EU to urgently admit Ukraine

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the EU to urgently admit Ukraine.  His message via video link was given a standing ovation at the European Parliament. “We have proven that, as a minimum, we are exactly the same as you. So,..

01.03.22 21:34 |
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