The first flight after the Sofia-Skopje line was resumed lasted 30 minutes. “We believe that the line will be an instrument providing people working in tourism with more opportunities, more profits, more tourists,” said Minister of Transport Nikolay..
Massive advertising of Bulgaria as a tourist destination and returning to the markets that have been lost in recent years, as well as focusing on children's and youth tourism are some of the demands of the tourism industry in the..
Bulgaria will soon launch the first bilingual guide for event tourism named Events Guide. The project is supported by the Ministry of Tourism. Students from the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and Methodius” are also participating at the..
The Department of Tourism at the University of St. St. Cyril and Methodius in Veliko Tarnovo and the first online platform for suitable venues for events have united in a project to promote attractive places in Bulgaria for events of corporate,..
As of Thursday (January 20th), citizens of North Macedonia, Israel, Turkey and Serbia and members of their families arriving from an EU Member State, the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,..
At a meeting with representatives of alternative and adventure tourism, the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov discussed ideas for the development of camping tourism products in Bulgaria. Minister Hristo Prodanov stated that the..
At the beginning of 2022 tour operators in Bulgaria are a bit more optimistic, expecting the share of travel and revenues from tourism to go up, says Pavlina Ruseva from Future for Tourism Association. Nevertheless, she says that recovery..
Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov and Bulgarian football legend Hristo Stoichkov have discussed future cooperation to promote Bulgaria as a tourist destination. Stoichkov has agreed to be one of the faces of Bulgarian..
In “Bulgaria Today” on Thursday, 30 December, we bring you, first, the latest news stories from this country. Next on the show - 2021: A year of twists and turns, but pretty good for tourism Finally, in our music slot: The Bon-Bon children’s..
One more pandemic year is drawing to a close, as the people working in the tourism industry turn to stocktaking and making plans for the near future, as hazy as it may be. It is true that the pandemic turned our lives and travel plans around..