Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа

Premierii Bulgariei, României și Greciei s-au întâlnit În Bulgaria

Premierii a trei țări din Balcani - Bulgaria, Grecia și România, Nikolai Denkov, Kyriakos Mitsotakis și Ion-Marcel Ciolacu, au avut o întâlnire la reședința Euxinograd de lângă Varna.  Focusul a fost reprezentat de transportul, energia și..

09.10.23 18:00 |

Kryeministrat e Bullgarisë, Rumanisë dhe Greqisë u takuan në tokën bullgare

Kryeministrat e tri vendeve ballkanike – Bullgarisë, Greqisë dhe Rumanisë, Nikollaj Denkov, Kyriakos Mitsotakis dhe Ion-Marcel Ciolaku zhvilluan një takim në rezidencën “Evksinograd” afër Varnës. Një theks i madh u vu në transportin, energjinë dhe..

09.10.23 15:46 |
Evksinograd residence

Connectivity in the Balkans to be discussed at a meeting in Bulgaria in October

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov will meet with the prime ministers of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis and of Romania Ion-Marcel Ciolacuo on 9 October this year at Evksinograd residence near Varna in Bulgaria. Invitations have also been..

22.08.23 14:41 |

Nikolay Denkov discutera de l’avenir européen des Balkans occidentaux à Athènes

Le premier ministre bulgare Nikolay Denkov est en déplacement à Athènes où il assistera à un dîner organisé par son homologue grec Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Il y abordera le sujet de l’avenir européen des pays des Balkans occidentaux avec le président du..

21.08.23 18:07 |
Nikolaj Denkow

Nikolaj Denkow bespricht in Athen europäische Zukunft des westlichen Balkans

Premierminister Nikolaj Denkow hält sich zu einem eintägigen Arbeitsbesuch in Athen auf, wo er an einem Abendessen mit seinem griechischen Amtskollegen Kyriakos Mitsotakis teilnehmen wird. Bei dem Treffen soll die europäische Zukunft der..

21.08.23 18:04 |

Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and Greece will meet in Athens

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov is leaving for a one-day visit to Athens, where he will meet with the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The Bulgarian delegation also includes Finance Minister Assen Vasilev, Environment Minister..

24.07.23 06:10 |

Kaléidoscope des Balkans

Victoire sans appel des socialistes aux municipales en Albanie Lors des municipales en Albanie du 14 mai, le Parti socialiste du premier ministre Edi Rama a remporté une victoire dans 53 de toutes les 61 municipalités. Les socialistes..

19.05.23 11:45 |

Balkan developments

Turkiye to hold parliamentary and presidential elections on May 14 Parliamentary and presidential elections are to take place in Turkiye on May 14. Nearly 64 million Turkish citizens are eligible to vote.  Turkish citizens living abroad..

12.05.23 12:16 |
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev (left, standing) and Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis talk as Energy Ministers of Bulgaria, Rossen Hristov (left) and of Greece, Kostas Skrekas sign two energy cooperation memorandums in Athens, Feb. 16.

Bulgaria and Greece sign memorandums for energy cooperation

Bulgaria and Greece signed a memorandum of cooperation to explore the opportunities for building an oil pipeline between Alexandroupolis and Burgas . The document was signed by the energy ministers of the two countries during President Rumen..

16.02.23 14:30 |

Le président Roumen Radev est en visite en Grèce

Le chef de l'Etat Roumen Radev s'entretiendra ce 16 février avec la présidente grecque Katerina Sakellaropoulou et le premier ministre Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Lors de sa visite, des accords bilatéraux seront signés encadrant la coopération des deux pays..

16.02.23 08:00 |
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