The achievements of the INSAIT Institute at Sofia University in the field of artificial intelligence are of interest to the business and scientific community in Japan , it was said at a meeting between Bulgaria's Minister of Education Prof. Galin Tsokov..
The priorities for development between Bulgaria and Japan were discussed at a meeting in Tokyo by the Minister of Economy and Industry Bogdan Bogdanov and his Japanese counterpart Nishimura Yasutoshi. Bogdanov emphasized that Bulgaria is becoming..
Taichi Kodama from Japan is the winner of the grand prize at the 9th edition of the International Triennial of Graphic Arts in Sofia . The laureates were announced at a ceremony in the gallery of the Union of Bulgarian Artists . Two equal..
Traditional Bulgarian products and tourism opportunities in Bulgaria will be presented at an international fair in Kashiwa , Tokyo, on 15 October. Bulgaria is participating in the fair for the second year with its own stand, the Embassy of Japan..
Eine Japanerin reiste 13.000 Kilometer, um Plowdiw zu besuchen und zu lernen, wie man... Baniza macht. Makiko Miura bereitet bulgarische Ljuteniza in der japanischen Präfektur Yamagata zu, wo die bulgarische Delikatesse die Neugier der Massen weckt..
A Japanese woman traveled 13,000 kilometers to visit Plovdiv and learn how to make ... banitsa (Bulgarian cheese pie). Makiko Miura is a producer of Bulgarian lyutenitsa (red pepper and tomato chutney) in the Japanese prefecture of Yamagata, where the..
Ein Flachrelief des japanischen Samurai Seigo Yamazawa, eines Teilnehmers am Befreiungskrieg für Bulgarien (1877-1878) und Befürworters des nationalen Anliegens Bulgariens, wird heute im Badeort Sweti Wlas eingeweiht. Der japanische Botschafter..
Vier Bronzemedaillen und ein Ehrendiplom gewannen bulgarische Schülerinnen und Schüler bei der 53. Ausgabe der Internationalen Physikolympiade, die vom 10. bis 17. Juli in Japan stattfand. Die fünf bulgarischen Gymnasiasten traten gegen 394..
Four bronze medals and one honorary diploma were awarded to Bulgarian students at the 53rd edition of the International Physics Olympiad, which was held in Japan from 10 to 17 July. The five Bulgarian high school students competed against..
The name of the Bulgarian Irenе Velichkova-Yamami is mostly associated with her long-term research on embroidery , which has been perfected over the centuries and has turned from a widespread craft in the past into a valuable art form in the present..