22 Mayıs’tan bugüne kadar 91 000 turist Bulgaristan Turizm Bilgi Sisteminde kayıtlı yerlerde konakladı. Onlardan %93’ü Bulgaristan vatandaşı, diğerleri ise yabancı. Slınçev Bryag /Sunny Beach/ ve Zlatni Pyasatsi'de /Golden Sands/ otellerin..
Από τις 22 Μαΐου μέχρι σήμερα πάνω από 91 000 τουρίστες έχουν διανυκτερεύσει σε τουριστικούς χώρους, καταχωρημένους στο βουλγαρικό Ενιαίο Σύστημα Τουριστικών Πληροφοριών. Από αυτούς το 93% είναι Βούλγαροι και οι υπόλοιποι – ξένοι. Από 60 έως..
From May 22 until today, over 91,000 tourists have stayed in hotels or other tourist accommodation places registered in the Bulgarian Unified Tourist Information System. 93% of them have been Bulgarians and the rest - foreigners. Between 60 and 70%..
A great many of the almost 70 hotels in Golden Sands on the Black Sea are ready to open in the period from 15 June to 1 July. “The situation is dynamic as there are many uncertainties connected with inbound tourism and the interpretation of..
The National Tourist Council will hold a meeting in Golden Sands resort on the Black Sea coast today. The event will be presided over by Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova. The meeting will discuss the 2018 draft annual programme of..