The elections for European Parliament on June 9, 2024. passed without particular upheavals for the leading political formations. The European People's Party and the Socialists remain in charge, and they will probably continue to..
Bulgaria will have 6 seats in the political group of the European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament, according to the first results summarized by the press service of the European Parliament. It is estimated that 5 of..
There will be 17 Bulgarian MPs in the new 720-member European Parliament. According to the first data from the exit poll at 8 p.m. of sociological agency "Gallup International", a partner of the BNR in the coverage of the European..
"If we had to make a comparison between Bulgaria and the Netherlands, both countries fell into a difficult situation related to the impossibility of forming a government in the past year. It was necessary to resort to extremely..
On Sunday, June 9, Bulgaria elects the composition of the 50th National Assembly. These are the sixth early parliamentary elections in a row within a period of two and a half years, but this time they also coincide with the vote for a..
Tired of the three years of ongoing political crisis with endless repetition of parliamentary elections, Bulgarians are not enthusiastic about the European elections. Their willingness to participate is lower compared to 2019. This ranks the country next..
From 16 April, Bulgaria's Central Election Commission (CEC) will start an explanatory campaign for the upcoming 2-in-1 elections - for the European and Bulgarian Parliament, scheduled for 9 June, reports BNR reporter Tsvetelina Stoyanova. The..
Lange Warteschlangen verursachen Probleme für die Fahrer, für die Umwelt und den Binnenmarkt der Europäischen Union. Die Grenzübergänge für den Güterverkehr müssen reibungslos und effizient sein. Es ist die Vollmitgliedschaft Rumäniens und Bulgariens..
Der Europaabgeordnete Graham Watson weilt in Bulgarien als besonderer Gast der Diskussion „Die EU in der Welt - Wo stehen wir heute?“, die mit Unterstützung des Europaabgeordneten Ilhan Kyuchyuk organisiert wird. Graham Watson ist ein langjähriger..
Bulgarien hat sich bei der Abstimmung über den Vorschlag des Europäischen Parlaments zu Pflanzen, die durch neue genomische Techniken gewonnen wurden, der Stimme enthalten. Das Landwirtschaftsministerium führt weiterhin öffentliche..