Bujar Osmani and Oliver Spasovski - the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia , as well as the Police Officers' Trade Union in the country called for a peaceful celebration of the 151st anniversary of the..
The leader of GERB, Boyko Borisov, has called on the North Macedonian authorities to bring to justice the perpetrators of the beating of the secretary of the Bulgarian cultural club "Tsar Boris III" in Ohrid, Hristiyan Pendikov. The secretary..
Ministrul macedonean de externe, Bujar Osmani, a declarat, într-un interviu pentru bTV, că cluburile culturale bulgare din Macedonia de Nord ar trebui să își schimbe numele, în conformitate cu o lege adoptată de Skopje care cenzurează numele..
Le chef de la diplomatie de la Macédoine du Nord, Bujar Osmani a déclaré sur la chaîne bTV que les espaces culturels bulgares en Macédoine du Nord doivent changer de nom, en vertu de la loi qui censure les dénominations des institutions culturelles. Selon..
North Macedonia's Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, in an interview with bTV, said that the Bulgarian cultural clubs in North Macedonia should change their names according to the law adopted by Skopje censoring the names of cultural institutions ...
Ministri i Jashtëm maqedonas Bujar Osmani tha në një intervistë për bTV se klubet kulturore bullgare në Maqedoninë e Veriut duhet t'i ndryshojnë emrat e tyre sipas ligjit të miratuar nga Shkupi për censurimin e emrave të institucioneve kulturore...
Miniștrii de externe ai Bulgariei și Republicii Macedonia de Nord - Nikolai Milkov și Bujar Osmani, l-au vizitat pe secretarul bătut al clubului cultural bulgar din Ohrid, Hristian Pendikov, la Academia Medicală Militară. "Bulgaria insistă cu fermitate..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to summon t he Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Bulgaria, Agneza Rusi Popovska. Ambassador Popovska will be handed a note of protest in connection with the serious criminal act committed..
"The secretary of the Bulgarian cultural club "Tsar Boris III" in ohrid was beaten up last night", MEP Andrey Kovatchev wrote on Facebook, the BTA reported. The man was taken to hospital with a broken jaw. The three attackers have been identified...
Croatia prepares for Euro switch amid soaring inflation Croatia has started to adjust of a large number of its ATMs to the new currency, as part of the preparations for the introduction of the euro on January 1 2023. All 4,000 ATMs in..