The Bulgarian Socialist Party will send the parliamentary report on the gas contract with the Turkish state-owned energy company Botas to the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Bulgarian and the European prosecutor's office, party leader Kornelia Ninova..
Le Parti socialiste enverra le rapport parlementaire sur le contrat de transit de gaz avec la compagnie publique turque "Botas" à la Commission anti-corruption et aux Parquets bulgare et européen, a annoncé la présidente du PS Kornélia Ninova. "GERB..
We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria (PP-DB) proposed that the documentation on the gas transmission contract with the Turkish state-owned energy company Botas be handed over to the State Agency for National Security and the Prosecutor’s..
Bulgaria nu a primit încă un punct de vedere din partea Comisiei Europene cu privire la verificarea contractului semnat de guvernul interimar cu compania turcă de gaze Botas, a declarat premierul Nikolai Denkov, care a reamintit că Bulgariei i-au fost..
Bulgaria has not received any commentary yet by the European Commission regarding the investigation into the agreement the Bulgarian caretaker government concluded with the Turkish gas company Botas , said Prime Minister Nikolai..
Bulgaria aún no ha recibido ningún comentario de la Comisión Europea sobre la verificación del contrato firmado por el Gobierno interino con la empresa turca de gas Botas. Así lo ha declarado el primer ministro, Nikolay Denkov, quien ha recordado que se..
Η εφ. Πολίτικο κυκλοφόρησε τρίτο κατά σειρά άρθρο για την ρώσικη επιρροή στην προμήθεια φυσικού αερίου στην ΕΕ μέσω της Βουλγαρίας, μετέδωσε η ανταποκρίτρια της ΒΕΡ στις Βρυξέλλες, Αγγελίνα Πίσκοβα. Ο τωρινός τίτλος είναι ότι η Βουλγαρία συμβάλλει..
La portavoz de la Comisión Europea, Lea Zuber, ha confirmado que la institución ha solicitado información de Bulgaria sobre el acuerdo entre "Bulgargaz" y la empresa turca "Botas" que es la que facilita el acceso al gasoducto de Turquía. Hay..
I expect there will be a rotation. The transition from one prime minister and the composition of the cabinet is difficult, but it happened in Romania, it will happen in Bulgaria as well, Prime Minister Academician Nikolay Denkov told "Bulgaria ON Air"..
"It is high time we realised that the fears that are deliberately instilled against the euro are to a large extent unfounded", Bulgaria’s Premier Nikolay Denkov said in response to questions from citizens and the media during a live broadcast on the..