"I would have introduced mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for some professions," epidemiologist Prof. Mira Kozhuharova, who is also an advisor to the Minister of Health, has told BNT. According to her, this should apply to..
2,050 new cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Bulgaria in the past 24 hours out of 21,078 tests performed, data of coronavirus.bg show. 10% of the tests have returned positive result. More than 85% of the new cases of Covid-19 are among..
At the backdrop of the alarmingly low percentage of vaccinated people in Bulgaria (about 18%), a young doctor working in a rural area has achieved a remarkable success by vaccinating 40% of his mostly elderly patients and has received a prize by the..
"More people infected with Covid-19, more hospitalized and dead - this is the result of low vaccination coverage in Bulgaria," Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov said in an interview with Austrian media ORF, quoted by the Ministry of..
2,536 new cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Bulgaria in the past 24 hours out of 24,032 tests performed, Single Coronavirus Information Portal data show. 10.55% of the tests have returned positive result. Bulgaria has reported more than 2,500..
A total of 211 kindergarten and school classes have been placed under quarantine because of the coronavirus pandemic, announced Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Education and Science Professor Nikolay Denkov . So far, their percentage is low,..
A total of 496 coronavirus cases have been registered for a day after 6,002 tests, according to data from the Single Coronavirus Information Portal. 8.3% of the tests returned positive result. 57 people or 11.5% of the newly infected..
There were 2,192 new coronavirus cases in Bulgaria in the past day. This is 9.8% of 22,276 tests, according to data from the Single Coronavirus Information Portal. There were 387 new cases in Sofia, followed by Plovdiv - with 167,..
A Eurobarometer poll conducted in August shows that 45% of opponents of Covid vaccines in Bulgaria are mostly women aged 25 to 39, living in cities and usually having 2 children under the age of fifteen. 27% express strong disbelief..
2,360 new coronavirus cases were registered in this country in the past day. These are 1,902 cases more in comparison to September 20th. 9.55% of 24,719 tests returned positive result, according to the Single Coronavirus Information..