„Die gutnachbarlichen Beziehungen zwischen Bulgarien und Nordmazedonien werden dann stabil und unumkehrbar sein, wenn uns die historische Wahrheit vereint,“, schrieb Präsident Rumen Radew auf Facebook und erinnerte daran, dass wir am 4. Mai den..
La majorité des Macédoniens considèrent la Serbie comme le plus grand ami de Skopje La Serbie et la Macédoine du Nord ont signé le 7 e projet de partenariat transfrontalier, a annoncé l’agence MIA. Ce dernier se rapporte à la suivie des..
Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska said there were no deadlines for Bulgaria to give the green light for negotiations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the European Union. Today Genchovska was heard by the deputies at a secret..
The Bulgarian position on the European integration of the Republic of North Macedonia remains unchanged , Bulgaria's Foreign Ministry announced following the appearance of false reports in the media. Bulgaria's Minister of Foreign Affairs..
Sofia Airport will offer its passengers more than 80 destinations this summer , the airport said. From May 1, Sofia will for the first time fly to Zadar, Croatia , twice a week. Among the new routes are regular flights to Skopje, Tirana and..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov has discussed Sofia-Skopje relations with EU Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi. In the talks with North Macedonia, the government defends Bulgaria's positions and for the first time has serious support..
Le premier ministre Kiril Pétkov a étudié avec le commissaire à l’élargissement et à la politique européenne de voisinage Olivér Várhelyi les relations entre Sofia et Skopje. Le gouvernement bulgare s'en tient à ses positions et à sa nouvelle approche..
Bulgaria's position on North Macedonia's EU integration will not change. The two countries have been working together; there is an improved dialogue and a real desire to achieve results and clear out accumulated tensions, head of the..
Une compagnie aérienne bulgare effectuera les vols réguliers entre les capitales de Bulgarie et de Macédoine du Nord. A compter du 26 mars, deux fois par semaine, le samedi et le lundi, un vol de 30 mn reliera Sofia et Skopje. Le prix du billet..
The flights on the regular line Sofia-Skopje-Sofia will be resumed on March 26 , the Ministry of Transport announced. They will be operated twice a week - on Saturday and Monday. The price of a ticket from Sofia to Skopje for March 26 is 29 euros..