Slavi Trifonov'un "İma Takav Narod" (Böyle Halk Var) partisi, yurt dışında oy veren Bulgaristan vatandaşlarından en büyük destek aldı. Merkez Seçim Komisyonu sitesinde yayımlanan verilere göre seçim protokollerinin yüzde 100'ünün işlendiğinde..
The political party of Bulgarian TV personality and host Slavi Trifonov, “There Is Such a People” (Ima takav narod ITN) has convincingly won the majority of votes of Bulgarian citizens who voted abroad. According to the data on the website of..
Dans un entretien accordé sur la RNB, Parvan Siméonov, directeur exécutif de « Gallup International » - partenaire médiatique de la RNB pour les législatives, a déclaré que l'actuel positionnement des forces politiques n’est pas encore sûr et certain. Le..
Onlarca yıldan beri en sıra dışı yılı arkada bıraktıktan sonra, 2021’in ilkbaharında çok önemli ve çok renkli seçimler ülke gündemine damga vuruyor. Yıl içinde hükümet karşıtı protestolar dinmese ve Covid-19 krizi yayılmaya devam etse de, erken seçimlere..
After a year like no other, attention-riveting elections for parliament are to take place in Bulgaria in the spring of 2021. The civil discontent and vociferous protests during the past Covid-year failed to bring about early parliamentary..
Tras el año más inusual en décadas, en la primavera de 2021 se celebrarán en Bulgaria unos comicios parlamentarios importantes, que se perfilan además como bastante interesantes. Pese al descontento y las agitadas protestas durante el año marcado por..
Opposition and non-Parliamentary political parties in Bulgaria raised serious concerns about the fairness of the forthcoming early or regular elections for 45 th National Assembly. According to the latest amendments to the Election Code, the..
The party "There Are S uch P eople", which according to the polls is the third political force in Bulgaria, will definitely not cooperate in government with current parliamentary- represented parties GERB, MRF and BSP. There..
El partido Hay tal Nación, que según las encuestas es la tercera fuerza política en Bulgaria, categóricamente no cooperará en el gobierno con los partidos de representación parlamentaria GERB, Movimiento por Derechos y Libertades y Partido..
Cinq partis entreraient au suivant parlement si les législatives se tenaient aujourd’hui. C’est ce que montre un sondage représentatif national de l’agence « Trend » datant du mois d’août dernier. Malgré les contestations, le parti au pouvoir GERB..