“Just as health-wise there is no peak in the prevalence of coronavirus, there is no major social breakdown either,” said Boriana Dimitrova from Alpha Research agency for the BNR. Bulgaria is not in the eye of the storm, health-wise or..
A survey by Alpha Research agency registers a heightened level of information-seeking about coronavirus in the country, a moderate amount of anxiety over the situation and a positive evaluation of the measures taken by the authorities to..
Un sondage de l’Institut "Alpha Research" constate qu’il existe une demande renforcée d’information sur les menaces venant de la propagation du coronavirus dans le pays, les inquiétudes à ce propos étant toutefois assez modérées, les..
61 percent of respondents say they approve of the three ministerial resignations in the Borissov 3 cabinet, indicates an express survey conducted by Alpha Research, commissioned by Bulgarian National TV. The act of assuming political..
A survey of Alpha Research sociological agency on the electoral adjustments in March 2018 shows that GERB party receives the support of 23.1% of the Bulgarian citizens. The biggest oppositional party the Bulgarian Socialist Party places second with the..
Ten years after the accession of Bulgaria to the EU and nearly five years after the start of the economic and financial recovery in the EU the Bulgarians are to welcome 2018 with record-high optimism, a survey of Alpha Research shows. 55% of the polled..
No radicalization has been ascertained among Bulgarian Muslims, data of a survey carried out by Alpha Research agency show. The survey outlines some main trends in the adjustments of the Muslims living in Bulgaria including low social status that..
Партия ГЕРБ выигрывает досрочные выборы в парламент, получив поддержку 33,2% избирателей, Болгарская социалистическая партия занимает второе место с 27,9% голосов избирателей на базе 100% выборки протоколов избирательных участков, сообщает..
К 18.30 ч по болгарскому времени избирательная активность составила 48,9%, сообщила Геновева Петрова из социологического агентства Alpha Research, медийного партнера Болгарского национального радио. К тому же времени на парламентских выборах в 2014..
Alpha Research polling agency is registering a relatively high voter turnout at the presidential runoff – 21.5 percent at 11.45 AM or almost as high as during the first round of the elections at the same hour – 21.6 percent. Compared to the second..