Près du village d’Arbanassi à proximité de la ville de Véliko Tarnovo et du monastère des saints Pierre et Paul s’ouvre la 9 e édition de la Kermesse nationale des éleveurs d’ovins. Des professionnels de la branche de tout le pays, des passionnés..
S’il est une chose qui symbolise la Bulgarie à l’étranger, c’est bien sûr le yaourt, mais c’est aussi la fameuse rose oléifère. L’importance de cette plante fragile dans la tradition bulgare lui a même valu de figurer sur le logo touristique de..
An old legend has it that all winds are born on Christmas Еve and baptized before Epiphany. In Bulgarian folklore, winds are classified first according to the four cardinal directions. The wind coming from the north is called Northerner, or..
Diana Dimitrova is making embroideries from plastic caps, transmitting the coded messages to the Bulgarian women with the help of modern material. Her panels adorn the fence of the eco-park in her hometown of Elin Pelin, and with the help of her..
On Easter, the city of Ruse greets residents and guests with a concert of local folk orchestras. The event starts at 11 a.m. on Svoboda Square in front of the municipal building in strict compliance with the anti-epidemic measures. In order to..
It is a privilege to know and meet Verka Siderova whose songs bring great happiness to generations of Bulgarians. Her name is included in music textbooks and she has left a lasting mark in the history of the “Filip Kutev” National Folklore..
Aujourd’hui à 20h00, heure bulgare, le groupe Trigaida présentera el ligne via sa page dans Facebook son album « Elaté » (Venez) avec du folklore bulgare et de la musique électronique. Y prennent part Assya Pintchéva des « Voix cosmiques bulgares" qui..
In the past, bird feathers were worn by girls as adornment. People believed that they warded off evil spells, ill-fated encounters and evil. The feathers of certain birds were particularly potent. Pride of place was accorded to the male peacock..
On this date, 55 years ago, the first Society of Banat Bulgarians in Bulgaria was established. It was born due to the enthusiasm and ambition of the heir of the Bulgarians from Vinga , Mikhail Shipkov , born in 1919 in the Bulgarian village of..
On March 15, five years ago, Lyubka Rondova, one of the most beloved folk singers of Bulgaria , passed away. Calling herself the daughter of the Aegean, she perceived performing the songs of her homeland as her mission and the meaning of..