EU Member States will be able to present their national recovery plans in Brussels by 2022. The postponement was announced a few days ago, outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev said. The Bulgarian plan is expected to be..
The Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA) called on the new 45th National Assembly to support measures for economic development. In a declaration to Bulgaria’s Parliament, BICA called for efficient administration and transparent governance..
Loans totaling 4.2 billion euros were rescheduled because of the Covid-19 crisis at the end of February, BNR reporter Marta Mladenova informed. The number of rescheduled loans as of March 31 will be clear in a month. The end of March..
During the second 7-year-long programming period of the EU, Bulgaria has absorbed 54% of financing provided under EU funds. Out of a total of 9.9 billion euros allocated under 10 programs, 6.360 billion euros had been..
Bulgaria's negative GDP of -3.9% in 2020 and the expected growth of 4% for the first quarter of 2021 show that the economic recovery is close. But there are challenges that could bring back the recession. Such are the lack of private consumption and..
Debt securities totaling 150 million euros are offered at an auction today, BNR reporter Marta Mladenova informed. The Ministry of Finance is offering 5-year zero-interest bonds. Since the beginning of 2021, the state has..
The Bulgarian economy grew during the fourth quarter of last year by 2.2% compared to the previous quarter, but shrank by 3.8% on a yearly basis, preliminary National Statistical Institute data show. Over the entire 2020 the GDP of the..
Fitch Ratings has raised the outlook on Bulgaria's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) from stable to positive . The current assessment stems from lower macroeconomic risks associated with the Covid-19 crisis,..
Bulgaria’ s economy has been slowly recovering thanks to an 11.3% rise in exports. Bulgarian economy grew in the fourth quarter of 2020 by 2.1% compared to the third quarter, when it rose by 3.9%, according to an..
Bulgaria's economy is expected to grow this year by 2.7% of GDP after a decline of 4.9% of GDP in the first year of the pandemic, while in 2022 the pace will reach 4.9% of GDP, which is one of the highest in the EU. However, the..