"In the Labyrinth of Time..." – we will be taken there by a special concert in the hall of the National Music School "Lyubomir Pipkov" (on June 8). The occasion is the 80th anniversary of the birth of Armenian-Bulgarian composer Artin Potourlian..
Plácido Domingo will have a concert on September 11 in the Bulgarian capital Sofia at the venue Arena Sofia. "Bulgaria, I am very happy that we will be together again," the tenor wrote on his official page. The 82-year-old singer, called..
Bulgarian singer Nina Nikolina is presenting her project “The magical voices of Bulgaria” in Rabat. Nina Nikolina’s “Magical voices of Bulgaria” with premiere tonight The concert will be at 8 PM local time on 29 May at Salle Bahnini –..
Orchestra Camerata Regală și Corul Regal, sub bagheta dirijorului Răzvan Apetrei, vor concerta în Sala de Piatră a Castelului din Balcic sâmbătă, 27 mai 2023, ora 17:30, în cadrul proiectului „Concert Regal la Balcic”, anunță Institutul Cultural Român...
The youngest artists of the Bulgarian National Radio, the Radio Children vocal group conducted by Ilina Todorova, will once again take the stage BNR’s Studio 1 at 7 pm on May 18 to present music from Bulgarian and international children's films...
His concerts are among the three best-selling music events in Bulgaria for 2022. His album "Kiss Me" was the best selling album of 2022 in this country. His song "There is No Way Anymore", performed jointly with DARA, was very successful. Bulgaria’s..
În ajunul Zilei Curajului și a sărbătorii Armatei bulgare, Sala 1 a Palatului Național de Cultură găzduiește un concert solemn al ansamblului reprezentativ al Forțelor Armate și al fanfarelor militare din țară. În program sunt incluse interpretări ale..
Un concert solennel de l’Ensemble représentatif des forces armées et des fanfares militaires bulgares aura lieu ce 5 mai, à la veille du 6 mai, Journée de la bravoure et de l’Armée bulgare, au Palais de la culture à Sofia. La fête sera marquée..
Vineri, pe 28 aprilie, de la ora 20.30, la Fábrica de Arte Cubano, Havana, formația bulgaro-cubaneză IVAYLO + BANDA NANDA va susține un concert, transmite Ambasada Bulgariei din Havana. Publicul se va bucura de un amestec incredibil de ritmuri..
With a concert at the Elin Pelin 1896 chitalishte (community culture club) in the town of Elin Pelin, music lovers in this country are celebrating 100 years since the birth of composer and conductor Dimitar Dinev and 60 years since the creation of the..