60 years after the signature of the Treaty of Rome the leaders of 27 EU member states, excluding Great Britain, signed today a new declaration emphasizing their commitment to renew European unity. The new declaration is of great importance for the..
On March 25, 2017 Bulgarian President Rumen Radev will participate in a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, which set the beginning of the creation of the European Union. The ceremony, which will be attended by State..
Good news for Bulgaria became the focus of the passing week. Moscow and Brussels shook hands in agreement to fundamentally change the gas policy of Russia in relation to certain former satellite countries to the Soviet Union, now part of the EU. The good..
The agreement between the EU and Turkey has not been working effectively in its most important part, which is the right of European countries to return third-country nationals to Turkey. At the backdrop of threats from Turkish President Recep Tayyip..
A study of the European Trade Union Institute and the European Trade Union Confederation has found out that Bulgaria, Poland and Germany are the only countries in the EU where the average rate of actual wage rise during the period 2009-2016 was higher..
In a letter to European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vĕra Jourová, Bulgarian ombudsman Maya Manolova called for an end to discriminatory attitudes and double standards towards Bulgarian consumers. Manolova said that..
A meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council was held in Brussels with the participation of the foreign and defence ministers. Bulgaria was represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Stefan Yanev and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs..
Bulgaria is an EU member state and the idea about a European Union running on two, three, or more gears is totally unacceptable for us, Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier in charge of preparation of Bulgaria’s EU Presidency Deniza Zlateva said on Wednesday...
Employers' organizations, NGOs and academia will play an important role in the drafting of the National Programme of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council in 2018. This is what Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the preparation of the..
The rotational presidency of the EU Council is a good opportunity for Bulgaria to present a positive image as a modern, dynamic, well-integrated and responsible EU Member State. This is what caretaker Foreign Minister Radi Naidenov said at the opening..