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Sondaj: 1/3 din alegătorii bulgari sunt pregătiți să meargă la urne

Șapte formațiuni politice ar intra în Parlament dacă alegerile ar avea loc la sfârșitul lunii septembrie, potrivit unui sondaj realizat de agenția Alpha Research. GERB-SDS ar obține 23,9% din voturi.Continuăm Schimbarea-Bulgaria Democrată ocupă locul al..

26.09.24 13:30 |

Survey: 1/3 of Bulgarian voters are ready to go to the polls

Seven political formations would enter Parliament if elections were held at the end of September, according to a survey by Alpha Research agency. GERB-SDS would earn 23.9% of the votes. We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria comes second with..

26.09.24 10:45 |

1/3 избирателей готовы голосовать

Если бы выборы состоялись в конце сентября, в парламент прошли бы 7 политических партий, показывают результаты исследования компании Alpha Research. Партия ГЕРБ пользуется поддержкой 23,9 %. За ней следует "Продолжаем перемены – Демократическая..

26.09.24 10:43 |

Two-thirds of Bulgarians support democracy and EU membership: survey

20.8% of Bulgarians say they want to live under authoritarian rule, another 10% are supporters of communism, indicates a survey conducted by Alpha Research agency commissioned by the Human and Social Studies Foundation-Sofia. 64% of the..

21.08.24 11:50 |

2/3 των Βουλγάρων υποστηρίζουν τη δημοκρατία και τη συμμετοχή στην ΕΕ

Το 20,8% των Βουλγάρων θέλει να ζει με αυταρχική εξουσία, άλλο 10% είναι οπαδοί του κομμουνισμού, δείχνει η τελευταία έρευνα της εταιρείας Alpha Research για λογαριασμό του Ιδρύματος Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Ερευνών – Σόφια. Το 64% των..

21.08.24 11:34 |

Alpha Research: GERB/SDS with comfortable lead days away from the elections

GERB/SDS are top of the voter approval list for the elections for National Assembly and European Parliament on 9 June, with a comfortable margin of almost 10%, a survey by Alpha Research agency shows. The survey was conducted by Alpha Research in..

06.06.24 10:34 |

Το 40% είναι πρόθυμο να προσέλθει στις κάλπες στις 9 Ιουνίου

Ετοιμότητα να ψηφίσει στις 9 Ιουνίου δήλωσε το 40% των ερωτηθέντων σε εθνική αντιπροσωπευτική έρευνα της εταιρείας Alpha Research. Στις ευρωεκλογές θα ψηφίσει το 35%, γιατί στις εκλογές αυτές δεν μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν πολλές βουλγαρικές κοινότητες σε..

08.05.24 09:48 |
Боряна Димитрова

Желающих ротации вдвое больше, чем сторонников досрочных выборов

Для общества проведение досрочных выборов - нежелательный вариант, заявила в интервью БНР социолог Alpha Research Боряна Димитрова. 40% респондентов очередного опроса агентства заявили, что на данный момент лучшим вариантом было бы осуществление..

17.03.24 15:11 |

Wenn die Parlamentswahlen heute wären: GERB-SDS führt mit 4,5% vor der PP-DB

Wenn heute Parlamentswahlen stattfänden, würde die Koalition GERB-SDS die meiste Unterstützung erhalten - 23,7 % der Stimmen. An zweiter Stelle steht die PP-DB-Koalition mit 19,2 % Unterstützung, geht aus einer Umfrage hervor, die das..

13.03.24 15:32 |

If elections were held today: GERB-SDS would win by 4.5% over PP-DB

If parliamentary elections were held today, the GERB-SDS coalition would have the most support, according to a survey conducted by the Alpha Research polling agency between 1 and 7 March. It would have the votes of 23.7% of voters. In second place is..

13.03.24 15:03 |
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