Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа

The World of the Thracians - a theme park for ancient history lovers

In the Valley of the Thracian Kings near the village of Shipka, where the most important burial tombs of the rulers of the ancient Thracian kingdom of the Odrysians, Kazanlak Municipality has opened the theme park "The World of the Thracians". The..

07.05.24 15:05 |

The Kazanlak Thracian tomb was discovered 80 years ago

"Man does not know the way to heaven, but the horse does," says an ancient Thracian proverb. That is why the Thracian kings were necessarily sent to the afterlife together with their horses. Because of the numerous burial mounds of rulers from the..

19.04.24 04:35 |

Sanctuary of goddess Bastet near Malko Tarnovo – between legends and reality

Nearly 40 years ago, a secret expedition went to Gradishte locality in Strandzha Mountain (Southeastern Bulgaria) to explore a mysterious place associated with an ancient civilization. The site was localized on a treasure map and the team was..

22.07.20 11:37 |
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