The cabinet’s priorities should be connected with harnessing prices, adopting the budget and taking measures to counter corruption. In an interview with BNR-Varna, sociologist Dimitar Ganev from Trend sociological agency said that economic anxiety..
The population of Bulgaria has declined by around one and a half million in the past 10 years, indicate National Statistical Institute data from the latest census of the population conducted at the end of 2021. If current death rate, birth rate..
“I have dedicated 40 years of my life to radio. I used to stop at the entrance of the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) and look around to check if the passers-by would notice what an important institution I was entering,” says Lidia Mihova, a favorite..
80% of people in Bulgaria do not know what Bulgaria’s position on the Green Deal is, and 83% - what the EU’s aims are in gradually making the economy independent of coal as a source of energy, a survey by Trend research centre shows. 68% of the..
We are witnessing the end of a less active political campaign for parliamentary elections. The reasons for this may be seen both in the early nature of the vote in the holiday season and also in the considerable funds spent by the..
Amidst the pandemic and its impact at all levels in this country, 2020 will be remembered for the widespread popular protests against the government. Having been triggered by, among other events, a specialized operation by the prosecutor’s..
Family, peace and security are the values Bulgarians consider to be most important, indicates a nationally representative survey conducted by Trend research centre, commissioned by the Right-Wing Policy Institute. Over 90 percent of the..