By order of the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov, January 3, 2025, has been declared a non-school day for all schools in Bulgaria. The teaching content of January 3rd will be restructured by teachers so that it does not affect..
A few days before the start of the new 2024-2025 school year, the idea of a complete ban on mobile phones in school is emerging in public space . The main reasons for such a decision are the low success rate in school, the absent-mindedness of..
More than 32,000 Bulgarian children in 43 countries on 6 continents will be heading for the 396 Bulgarian Sunday schools around the world registered for the school year 2024-2025. More than 2,000 teachers will be teaching them to read and write in..
Wearing the ornament made of red-and-white intertwined thread called martenitsa on the first day of March is one of the most viable traditions Bulgarians share, no matter where they may be living on the planet. This is one of the reasons why..
In the late autumn of 2009, patriotic Bulgarians - parents and teachers working and living in Athens - founded a Bulgarian school named Paisiy Hilendarski (St Paisius of Hilendar). Two years later, a second school was opened on the island of..
This year, Radio Bulgaria invited children from Bulgarian schools abroad, named after Vasil Levski, to record and film their thoughts about the hero, to read an essay or recite a poem, to sing a song or to paint a picture depicting Levski. Our..
Pain, fatigue, uncertainty and fear for tomorrow. This bitter cocktail of emotions is what the citizens who have not been able to leave the Russian-occupied territories since the start of the war in Ukraine a year ago live with. These include..
Studying the Bulgarian language in schools in regions of Ukraine that are currently occupied by Russia has been suspended. The issue has been discussed in the parliamentary committee on foreign policy. The Minister of Foreign..
The Agency for Bulgarians Abroad is sending off a year filled with various challenges. The institution continues to support and organize its traditional initiatives aimed at compatriots abroad. Essay and drawing contests on the topics..
Many Bulgarian children around the world have already started their classes in native language, history and culture in the Sunday schools they visit, while others go in class on September 15, just like their peers in Bulgaria. Wherever in the world..