Bulgaria has taken part in the world’s leading food fair - ANUGA, which is held once every 2 years in Cologne. Antoaneta Bozhinova, executive director of the Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers, which is taking part in the presentation, told the..
Nadezhda Kotseva's debut film "Irina" has been nominated by the European Film Academy for the European Discovery Award. More than 3,600 Academy members will be voting for the awards, which will be presented at a ceremony on December 7 in Berlin...
Thanks to an online platform the Bulgarian children living abroad will be able to learn Bulgarian from their homes. No matter where they live, every child will have the opportunity to study on the website of the academy for Bulgarian language..
A Bulgarian film has received special diploma in the "New Directors" program at the 67th San Sebastian Film Festival. "Sister" is Svetla Tsotsorkova 's second feature film. It has received positive reviews from film critics and at the festivals in Aras,..
Bulgarian Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov said he expected an agreement for the purchase of new ships for Bulgaria's Navy to be signed by the end of the year. At the beginning of next year, an agreement will be signed for the..
In September a Bulgarian Sunday school will open its doors for children in Crewe, England. Its founder is Tezdzhan Sabri, born and raised in Bulgaria’s Razgrad. The new school is called "Bulgarche" and will operate in accordance to the..
Petya Angelova’s documentary Dandelion Wine was awarded the best experimental movie at the North Beach American Film Festival in Maryland which is one of the most prestigious film festivals for experimental cinema in the USA. The documentary directed..
As every year, summer in Rome ushers in the Bulgarian film festival organized, once again, by actress Zhana Yakovleva and the entire team she is head of at the Bulgarian cultural institute in the capital of Italy. The festival – which opens today..
Bulgarian physician Vladimir Zharov and his team have been testing a method of their own for fighting skin cancer. Creators of the new method show that in 27 out of 28 patients, their system detects tumor cells 1000 times better than currently..
The National School of Folklore Arts "Philip Kutev" in the town of Kotel is to open doors for gifted children from neighboring Balkan countries. The teaching staff is the best in this country, said Kotel Mayor Kosta Karanashev. Prime Minister Boyko..