EU funds amounting to EUR 7 billion have been approved in the last two months under seven operational programmes . The money will support the Bulgarian economy over the next six years, Deputy Premier Atanas Pekanov said at a briefing at the..
The elections have passed but uncertainty about the future after them remains. To the expectations for a regular cabinet with a longer work horizon, people also add the hope that the MPs will try to control inflation and to raise incomes. Before the..
Minister of Economy and Industry Nikola Stoyanov has launched a new initiative with foreign companies working in Bulgaria, in order to improve the business environment and promote investments. The first of the series of meetings..
For some people, a crisis equals an opportunity. Is it the same for Bulgarians today, when the elections outlined continuing political instability, prices do not stop their growth, and incomes seem to be "frozen" on the edge of survival? Against this..
Bulgaria has been proud of the fact that 9 out of 10 cars in Europe have parts in them that were produced in this country. In the near future Bulgarian components will be present in every European car as we have a confirmation from a..
Bulgaria's gross domestic product will grow by 3% in 2022, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development predicts in its September regional economic report , published today, BTA reported. Due to the solid performance of the economy in the..
Bulgaria rose from 36th to 23rd place among 165 countries in the ranking " Economic freedom around the world 2022 ". The study, presented in Sofia by the Institute for Market Economics, is done every year by Canada's Fraser Institute . Bulgaria's..
The business climate in Bulgaria has worsened by 3.4 points in August compared to July, according to the traditional survey of the National Statistical Institute . The uncertain economic environment remains a leading factor in the deterioration of..
Social inequalities and inflation are two of the leading problems in Bulgaria’s income policy. While inflation is a pan-European issue, provoked by external factors, such as the war in Ukraine, the price of energy carriers, etc., the wide gap between..
Inflation has outpaced wage growth in almost all sectors of the Bulgarian economy and consumer prices have risen by 10% year-on-year. These are part of the conclusions in an analysis by the Institute for Market Economy. Average..