Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov is in Brussels, where he participates in the European Council meeting. Speaking to reporters Borissov has declared that the EU agreement with Turkey must be preserved and that accession negotiations should continue...
Bulgaria is firm about the need for institutional measures at European level to effectively fight crimes affecting EU's financial interests. This was what Bulgarian Minister of Justice Tsetska Tsacheva said in Luxembourg during the debate in the EU..
Salaries in different European countries need to be equalized faster, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Luca Visentini said in Sofia where he met with representatives of the trade unions and the government. They..
At a meeting in Estonia with President of the European Council Donald Tusk, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said Bulgaria did not pose a threat to the Eurozone and it is worth of becoming part of the ERM II mechanism, also known as the Eurozone..
A three-day EC expert mission under the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism starts today in Sofia in order to check Bulgaria's progress in the sphere of judicial reforms. The program envisages meetings with representatives of the legislative,..
Four Balkan countries members of the EU - Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Croatia - will help the European integration of the remaining six countries of the region together. Agreement on this was reached at a working meeting in New York of the top..
The free-trade agreement between the EU and Canada, known as CETA comes into force as of today. The document was approved by the member countries within the frameworks of the European Council and voted by the European Parliament. It will be fully..
For the 15 th time since 2013, a team of four Bulgarian army medics has left to take part in the EU mission providing training to the security forces in Mali. “Bulgarian medics have been part of different humanitarian and peacekeeping..
Main buildings and boulevards will be decorated with the symbols of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU. These include the National Palace of Culture, the Boyana Residence, the National Theater, Sofia Airport and the main boulevards..
Eurostat's analysis of spending of Europeans during holidays or vacations in 2015 shows that Bulgarians spend for this purpose an average of 160 Euro per person, or two times less than the EU average. 80 per cent of Bulgarians have spent their vacation in..