Europe must have a strong Social Fund and a strong Cohesion Fund, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said in Brussels at the Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment. PM Borissov pointed out that Bulgaria was actively working to..
The European Parliament's Committee on Petitions has supported the petition of the Association of Bulgarian Schools Abroad, which aims to protect so-called "small-entry" languages in the EU. Svetoslav Malinov, rapporteur on the topic, has told..
Energy poverty and air pollution are the main topics of a regional conference organized by the Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy, which is part of the program of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and will be..
The Animus Foundation is organizing today an international conference, entitled "Safe Future for Women - Safe Future for All" in Sofia. The forum is dedicated to combatting violence against women and is part of the program of the Bulgarian..
There is no country in Europe that has invested so much effort in protecting the external EU borders. This was what Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurtz, said after his meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in Sofia. Chancellor..
European Commission Vice-President of the EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič said in Sofia that because of its geographical location Bulgaria is the most suitable place to become a center of a gas hub for the region. The country has a..
Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov stated that with a view to preserving the EU cohesion policy and the common agricultural policy, the national contributions to the Union budget may have to be increased and that Bulgaria was ready to support such a..
Counter-terrorism and fighting radicalism, migration cooperation, border security and visa issues, cyber security and electronic evidence, personal data protection, combating money laundering and stopping terrorist financing were all topics of discussion..
The Balkans region is an integral part of Europe and its inclusion in the joint European space of security and economic development is of strategic importance for the lasting stability of the whole of the European Union. This is what Prime Minister..
In January 2018, Bulgaria had the lowest minimum salary in the European Union, which was 261 euros, followed by Lithuania with 400 euros and Romania with 408 euros, Eurostat data show. In general, the minimum monthly wage is less than 500 euros in..