The first Albanian art festival will be held on November 21-22 in Bulgaria. The event is held under the patronage of the Bulgarian Minister of Culture and with the assistance of the Albanian Embassy. The Sofia Philharmonic will play classical works..
Bulgaria and Romania to study the possibility of launching seasonal flights from Burgas to Brasov Bulgaria’s Ambassador to Romania Radko Vlaykov and the Prefect of Brasov county Mihai Vasii attended a..
Tensions between Greece and Turkey flare up Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan called on Greece to stop militarizing Greek islands near Turkey warning that Turkish military forces could come “at night”. Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defined as unacceptable, indecent and frankly anti-Bulgarian the statements of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama during the Bled Strategic Forum on August 29-30. In an official statement, Bulgaria's..
Greece exits the European Union’s enhanced surveillance framework Greece has exited the European Union’s so-called enhanced surveillance framework after years of austerity that led to protests, the correspondent of the..
The state has earmarked 400 thousand euros of financial support for the Bulgarian communities abroad. With the additional funds allocated under the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for this year, projects of Bulgarian organizations of the..
Russia and Ukraine sign grain agreement in Istanbul In the afternoon of July 22 in Istanbul, Russia and Ukraine will sign the agreement proposed by the UN to ease the export of grain from the besieged Black Sea ports of Ukraine, the..
On July 4 th the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Bulgaria organized in the University Botanical Garden in Sofia the first event dedicated to the tasting of Albanian wines in Bulgaria - an excellent opportunity to bring our two peoples..
In a position published today, Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry states that within the EU, Bulgaria has always supported the European perspective of the Albanian people. “We have upheld Albania’s European perspective and the launch of EU accession..
“It's a disgrace that a NATO country, Bulgaria, kidnaps two other NATO countries, namely Albania and North Macedonia, in the midst of a hot war in Europe's backyard with 26 other EU countries sitting still in a scary show of impotence.” That is how..