Minister of culture Boil Banov took part in an EU videoconference, exchanging information with his counterparts on the different kinds of assistance for the sector and presenting the measures Bulgaria is taking. These include three options..
Eight Member States have asked the EU to support transport companies affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and to cease activity on reforming the working conditions of truckers. In their letter, the transport ministers of Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania,..
Bulgaria welcomes the start of EU membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia, as decided by the General Affairs Council, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva has said. I hope that on March 26, the European Council will support the..
The foreign and European affairs ministers of the EU member countries decided today to open membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania in light of the progress made by the two countries and the recommendations in the EU’s..
The United States refused to issue entry visas to 9.75% of all applications submitted by Bulgarians in 2019, according to the European Commission. Statistics show a steady decline in refusals - from 17.3% in 2015, to 16.9% in 2016, 14.97% in 2017 and..
Bulgarian National Assembly President Tsveta Karayancheva, who attended the ratification of North Macedonia’ protocol on accession to NATO membership said Bulgaria would continue to support North Macedonia on its path towards Euro-Atlantic..
Bulgaria keeps its position that cohesion policy should be a priority in the Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union for the period 2021-2027. This was decided by the government’s council on European affairs. Bulgaria says that the..
The United Kingdom officially left the European Union at midnight on January 31 (Central European Time). This is how the number of EU Member States has become 27. Before that, the EU and the UK held intense negotiations on exit conditions and probable..
6.9 million children or 7 percent of all in the EU do not live in their country of birth, according to a study by the European Commission's Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography. Romania ranks first in this chart as nearly 600,000 Romanian..
The Bulgarian National Audit Office has identified deficiencies in the management of the Natura 2000 network. Bulgarian legislation has not been harmonized with Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC on the conservation of natural habitats of wild..