Income s should increase with 20% by the end of the year to offset accumulated inflation . Bulgaria also needs to introduce a definition of energy vulnerable consumers, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and the..
"There is social tension in all sectors. People are getting poorer every day and if this process is not curbed, social tension will turn into a bomb," Todor Kapitanov, vice president of the largest national trade union - CITUB, has..
The poverty line in this country will be raised to BGN 504 (EUR 257) next year, as the current level is 211 euros, a draft government decree discussed today at a meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation reads...
As a whole, Bulgarians are not satisfied with their working conditions, low pay and high stress levels in the workplace. Even in the sector where salaries are highest – the IT sector, 65% say they are underpaid. The highest percentage of..
The cost of living in Bulgaria has increased by 60 percent for two years, one of the two largest trade unions in Bulgaria - CITUB, said in response to an inquiry by BNR. The union called for greater coverage of social assistance programs...
Police officers and prison guards are protesting in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. They gathered in front of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice and organized a procession to the National Assembly building. The Trade Union Federation..
The total average income per household member during the first quarter of 2022 stood at 2005.54 Leva /EUR 1,025.14/, up by 9.6% compared to the same quarter of 2021, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy data indicate. In the total incomes..
A protest car convoy was organized by the Protection national trade union in the centre of Sofia. The protesters demanded that measures be put in place to bring down commodity and energy prices, and a rise in the salaries of health professionals...
The Institute for Market Economics reports that the highest salaries in Bulgaria are in small municipalities with large employers for another consecutive year. Leading are the municipalities in Sreda Gora region, on the territory of which there is a..
Teachers' starting salary rises in Bulgaria and will reach 723 euros a month. This is a rise of 12%, the Ministry of Education and Science said. Salaries of other pedagogical staff in schools are raised by the same percentage, as well as the..