Under the framework of the SURE instrument, created to deal with the effects of Covid-19 , Bulgaria will receive 511 million from Brussels . The financial support will be provided in the form of a loan under favorable terms, but must be approved by the..
Bulgarians living abroad who are taking part in the anti-government protests will hand a petition over to a European Commission representative in Austria this afternoon, describing the events which gave rise to the mass demonstrations..
For the new programming period under the Rural Development Program, larger municipalities with a population of over 15,000 people, will be moved to the regional program, which has larger budget. The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry..
According to an order by the Minister of Health, starting July 31, citizens of Ukraine and Jordan can enter Bulgaria without a PCR test. Citizens of North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Israel and..
The Bulgarian army has reached the highest level of confidence in a decade, according to a Gallup International survey. Out of all state institutions the army has the highest approval rating - 53%. The approval rating of the police is 49%, disapproval..
“Bulgaria is to receive almost 29 billion euro of European funding over the next 7 years,” Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced in a video comment on Facebook on the deal reached by the EU leaders in Brussels “Bulgaria is getting 1 billion..
In 2019, 35.5% of Bulgarians could not afford a one week annual holiday away from home, indicate Eurostat data. Compared to 2010 data the country has made considerable progress. Ten years ago 62.4% of Bulgarians stated they could not..
The EU summit meeting continues in Brussels today. It is dedicated to the economic incentives aimed at overcoming the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to the budget of the union for the next 7 years. European leaders yesterday failed to..
Bulgaria ranks after France and Slovenia when it comes to the number of children born outside marriage in the European Union. According to Eurostat data, which compared this indicator between 2000 and 2018, on average for the community 42% of children..
Bulgarians have been more severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis than the average European. 41% of people in Bulgaria have lost incomes compared to 28% in Europe. 38% had to withdraw their savings in comparison to 22% in the rest of the EU...