The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation will meet online today at 3 p.m. The representatives of trade unions, employers and the government will discuss the draft Plan for Recovery and Sustainability of the Republic of Bulgaria. The main..
The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation will hold an online meeting today to discuss a draft decree of the Council of Ministers determining the amount of the minimum wage for the country, the government press center announced. Representatives..
The National Employment Agency has given the start to the third stage of the 60/40 measure targeted at employers who want to keep their staff after the end of the emergency epidemic situation. The financial support during the new stage will..
Three of the four nationally representative employers' organizations - the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) - have spoken out against..
Almost 240,000 jobs will be saved thanks to the "60/40" measure, Bulgaria's Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has announced. A total of 14,351 applications have already been received from employers for compensation for maintaining the jobs of their..
The Covid-19 crisis has affected every aspect of life around the world. An international survey (of and conducted in 15 countries (Finland, Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltics) i ndicates that 55% of workers believe..
No more than 8% of Bulgarian employers would benefit from the measure in support of businesses for the period of the COVID-19 crisis, providing for the payment of salaries in the ratio of 60/40, respectively by the state and the entrepreneur. 44% of..
The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria /KRIB/ has requested amendments to the State of Emergency Act in the section related to state support for businesses . Employers offer three options for amendments to the current text of the..
The third round of negotiations between the trade unions and employers on setting down the minimum insurable earnings in different sectors should take place in Sofia today. However, a representative of the Bulgarian Industrial Association..