At the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, researchers presented developments in the field of genomic technologies used for agricultural purposes and medical treatment methods. In the form of lectures, the..
"New genomic techniques in agriculture are not GMOs. The topic was brought up by people who don't understand this. We will abstain until the Bulgarian society is informed," Minister of Agriculture Kiril Vatev has told bTV. Despite his personal support..
Bulgaria's Agriculture Minister Kiril Vatev will assist the Bulgarian Agrarian Chamber to hold a meeting with the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister to discuss the problems in agriculture. This was announced after a several-hour meeting..
According to the new regulation on the control of the movement of goods with a high fiscal risk, a large part of food products, including fruits and vegetables, are high-risk goods and are under special control by the tax authorities. Asked why this is..
Bulgarian Agriculture Minister Kiril Vatev held an online meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solsky to discuss breaches in the licensing regime for exports of sunflower, rapeseed, maize and wheat. According to Vatev, there have been isolated..
Representatives of the livestock breeding sector in Bulgaria have threatened with protests on the day of the local elections - October 29, if by the end of the week they do not receive their outstanding compensation due to the consequences of the war in..
The European Public Prosecutor's Office announced that under its leadership the police arrested three people. 6 locations were searched as part of an investigation into illegal receipt of EU funds. From the seized evidence and documents, it was..
Two protests announced for the same day (September 19) in Sofia dictated the agenda of the government and also of Bulgarian society since the beginning of this week. Unlike another time, both were not political, but entirely with demands for..
Miners and energy workers have started a protest in Sofia, calling for preserving the coal mining industry in this country and against the premature closure of capacities in the sector. The protest is backed by the two largest trade..
Bulgarian farmers started to block major roads and border crossings across the country. 26 branch organisations announced they were embarking on an indefinite nationwide protest in the agriculture sector. They claim that more than 900,000 people are..