Bulgaria and Armenia will continue their cooperation in the field of education and science. The exchange of students, scientists and teachers will be encouraged under a program between the two countries approved this week by the Bulgarian government...
Teachers from the Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad have gathered at an annual meeting at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius". "We are the modern awakeners, because we preserve and transmit the Bulgarian language. To teach in..
The largest trade union in Bulgaria, CITUB, has threatened protests and strikes if the National Assembly does not fulfill the union's demand for the urgent adoption of the state budget with income policy and compensation for inflation for people..
If the vote on the state budget is delayed, the teachers will go on strike because they cannot get what was agreed on from January 1 of this year as an increase in their salaries , the chairperson of the Bulgarian Teachers' Union, Yanka Takeva, told..
More than 56% of Bulgarian teachers are ready to take national strike action, 17% are ready to go on a warning strike. According to 10% of teachers, the school year should not finish if there is no increase in their salaries, indicate data of a..
Bulgarian students are seriously lagging behind their European peers, it became clear from a European study at the end of last year. Nearly 50% of young people in Bulgaria aged 16-19 do not have the basic skills to cope in a digital environment,..
Only 15% of teachers in Bulgaria are under the age of 35 , and 70 percent of them leave the educational system in the very first year of working there, the trade union "Education" reported to Podkrepa Confederation of Trade Unions. Another alarming..
Bulgaria's caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev met in Sofia with the Secretary General of the Teachers' Union Israel of Israel, Jaffa Ben David . The two discussed the educational project, the largest in the history of bilateral relations between the..
Many Bulgarian children around the world have already started their classes in native language, history and culture in the Sunday schools they visit, while others go in class on September 15, just like their peers in Bulgaria. Wherever in the world..
Teachers' starting salary rises in Bulgaria and will reach 723 euros a month. This is a rise of 12%, the Ministry of Education and Science said. Salaries of other pedagogical staff in schools are raised by the same percentage, as well as the..