“For the tourism industry it is important that it start functioning on 22 December. The sector is categorically against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s call for the closure of skiing resorts,” said Assoc. Prof. Rumen Draganov, chairman of the..
German tourists have filed complaints about vacations on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and are seeking compensation for not strict enough measures against Covid-19, tour operators announced at the Hotel Forum held in Sofia . Most often tourists..
190 , 000 tourism trips took place over the weekend. 50 , 000 people opted to go to the mountain, said Rumen Draganov from the Institute of Analysis and Assessment of Tourism for Bulgarian National TV. In his words, there is an..
The tourism industry expects 16,000 charter flights with foreigners to land in Bulgaria by the end of the season, said Rumen Draganov of the Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism. With 75% employment, we expect about 2.5 million foreigners..
There is a certain risk for the upcoming tourist season, but overall tourism in Bulgaria is stable, Rumen Draganov from the Institute for Analysis and Assessments in Tourism said in an interview with bTV channel . There are currently 5,860 hotels..
Representatives of Bulgaria’s tourism industry are expecting that the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2018 will have positive effect on the image of this country and will result in higher revenues from..
Most Bulgarian nationals chose to spend this weekend in Bulgaria, head of the Institute for Analyses and Estimates in Tourism Rumen Draganov told the Bulgarian National Radio on Friday. Over 50,000 people are expected to visit Shipka Mount and other..