Bulgaria’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Emilia Kraleva took part in the discussions, held in Brussels, of the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council. With regard to the policy towards the countries of the so-called Eastern Partnership – Armenia,..
Bulgaria will finance 55 projects worth about 1.8 m euros in Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries, the Bulgarian government has decided. In Serbia the grant will finance projects of non-governmental organizations, the ombudsman..
The enlargement of the European Union should continue into the Western Balkans and the countries from the Eastern Partnership initiative, as this would guarantee security and stability to the entire continent. This is a shared stance..
At the Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva expressed concern over the migratory pressure towards Italy in recent weeks and demanded that the EU put in place effective policies for the return..
Over 200 young people from the Bulgarian diaspore in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Macedonia are taking part at the 20 th edition of the seminar Strong National Identity-Strong European Identity held near the coastal city of Varna. Participants from..