Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has discussed the challenges to guaranteeing air sovereignty of the country at a working meeting with Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov, the Chief of Defense Adm. Emil Eftimov and Commander of the Air Force,..
Europe and our partners in the coalition cabinet are coming closer to the position of the Bulgarian Socialist Party regarding the sanctions against Russia, Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Economy Kornelia Ninova said for the Bulgarian..
At a meeting of EU leaders in Versailles, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is to insist on financial support from European partners to all countries close to the war in Ukraine. " We first need to see that there is..
A special coordination task force will be set up at Bulgaria’s Council of Ministers on March 7, Premier Kiril Petkov said for bTV. 8 cargo vehicles with humanitarian aid are travelling to Ukraine. Bulgaria has developed a programme in support of..
At this stage, our country has not requested an increase in NATO's presence on its territory, Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska told Bulgarian journalists in Brussels . According to her, the commander of the NATO forces is about to present measures in..
The reason we are here is to give a strong message for our guarantees, State Department spokesperson Ned Price told BNR in answer to the question whether reinforcement of NATO forces in Bulgaria had been discussed at the NATO foreign ministers'..
On March 4, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska will take part in an emergency NATO meeting in Brussels . This is the first forum of the Alliance foreign ministers since the start of Russia's invasion in Ukraine. The ministers will agree on..
Amidst the war in Ukraine, the commander of NATO's Land Command, Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier arrived in Bulgaria . He met with Bulgaria's Chief of Defense Admiral Emil Eftimov. The two discussed strengthening NATO's defence potential...
Italy’s Ambassador to Bulgaria Giuseppina Zarra has met with Bulgaria’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Irena Dimitrova. The two discussed the excellent bilateral cooperation and partnership between the two countries within the EU and NATO, and..
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the EU to urgently admit Ukraine. His message via video link was given a standing ovation at the European Parliament. “We have proven that, as a minimum, we are exactly the same as you. So,..