The government fund, set up to manage 600 million euros /BGN 1.2 billion/ under four EU-co-financed operational programs, has announced that it is providing banks with 85 million euros /BGN 170 million/ as guarantee to support small and..
Total number of Covid-19 cases in Bulgaria rise to 675 6 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in Bulgaria by 5 pm on Sunday, of which 4 cases were registered in Sofia and 2 in Stara Zagora district, the National Crisis..
The economic forecasts of the Bulgarian government are too rosy, the President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) Plamen Dimitrov commented in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio. The measures adopted until..
In an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio the renowned Bulgarian economist Daniela Bobeva warned that the business would bear the impact of the measures against the coronavirus disease . The Bulgarian employers and workers, not the state, will..
The Bulgarian cabinet will provide financial support to the businesses affected by the ongoing coronavirus crisis via the Bulgarian Development Bank. The bank will receive up to EUR 250 million from the state if necessary. The state will temporarily..
EUR 1,287 is the average monthly cost of living of a four-member household (2 adults and 2 children) in Bulgaria, data of the Bulgarian labor unions about the last trimester of 2019 show. The cost of living per person amounts to EUR 322 on average...
Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev met in New York with representatives of industrial giants and leading US companies in the fields of communications, information technologies, insurance, finance and power engineering. Bulgaria’s head of state Radev..
The Bulgarian economy restructured successfully after the global economic crisis in 2009, which is proved by the fact that some of the workforce shifted from one sector to another. The number of people employed in construction decreased twofold and..
The Bulgarian industry is not facing a dilemma whether the crisis may come-it is already here, the President of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association Vasil Velev told the Bulgarian National Radio. Vasil Velev pointed out that according to..
In 2019 Bulgaria’s gross domestic product will grow with 3.7%, up from 3.1% in 2018, the Bulgarian National bank forecasts in its economic review about the second trimester of 2019. In its economic analysis about the first quarter of 2019 BNB was..