His Holiness Daniil, Patriarch of Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia, addressed the Orthodox Christians on the eve of the bright Nativity of Christ (Christmas Eve). "Silent in prayer, gathered around the warm hearth, we await the fulfilment of what was..
''Jesus Christ’s victory over death, darkness and the all-consuming and destructive power of evil, is the culmination, the highest and most categorical expression of God's love for us and for the entire creation'', reads the Paschal message to..
The Orthodox Church glorifies Holy Saturday as the most blessed seventh day, when the Word of God rests as a dead man in the grave, but at the same time saves the world. Laid in the tomb, the spirit of Jesus Christ is in Hades to break its chains..
The day of Christ's Crucifixion is the most sorrowful for the Christian community, the only one on which the Divine liturgy is not celebrated. There is also no Holy Communion, because the Lord Himself offered Himself as a sacrifice through the..
On Maundy Thursday, Orthodox Christians go back to the final days in the earthly life of Jesus Christ, the Last Supper of the Saviour with the apostles and the betrayal, his suffering, death and burial. The church services on this day recreate the..
"Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" (Luke 19:38). With these enthusiastic exclamations, which the Church recalls on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Jesus Christ was..
On 22 July, the Orthodox church honours the memory of the first herald of the resurrection of Jesus Christ – Mary Magdalene, Holy Myrrhbearer and Equal to the Apostles. She was the first person to have exclaimed: Christ is risen! It is said that..
Christ's sufferings or passions, as the Church calls them, reach their climax on the day of His crucifixion. Condemned without guilt, scourged and reviled by the crowd, the Saviour takes the steep road to Golgotha later called "Via Dolorosa"...
During the holy liturgy in Orthodox churches of Bulgaria, there is one chant that is performed only once a year. Only on Good Friday, the chant “Nadgrobnoe ridanie" (Sepulchral lamentation in English), also known as the "Opelo Christovo” (Requiem..
Immediately after the major Christian holiday Palm Sunday, celebrating Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, begin the most difficult days of Lent. It is a week in which believers remember the last days of Christ’s life before being..