41% of the member companies of the Bulgarian Industrial Association expect an economic decline in 2025. 21% believe there will be no change compared to 2024. 65% of the respondents anticipate a deterioration in their own business due to the..
There has been a s ignificant decline in production and sales , reads the annual survey of the Bulgarian Industrial Association regarding the business climate in 2023. T he least affected are salaries, which in 2023 increase in 71%..
Bulgaria is among the world leaders in sunflower seed exports and ranks second for 2021 with sales of more than $730 million, according to an analysis by the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA). Its main markets are Germany and Turkey. The..
Bulgarian enterprises say they are worried how the country plans to comply with the EU’s recommendations to cut down on natural gas consumption by 15%. Bulgargaz is looking for gas for November and December According to Bulgarian Industrial..
Employers will be able to hire Ukrainian refugees, if they have refugee or humanitarian status. Refugees may register with the labor offices and benefit all social rights, Maria Mincheva, Vice President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA)..
A study of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) for the country's business climate shows that in 2021 the negative trend of 2020 trigged by the Covid crisis continues . Only 9% of the respondents see an improvement in the business..
M embers of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) are calling for changes to the order imposing new anti-epidemic measures in this country . They demand that the mandating of a Covid-19 Green Certificate be postponed until November 21,..
The Bulgarian Industrial Association insists on clear mechanisms for compensations for those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and to assess the effectiveness of the anti-epidemic measures applied so far. This was stated by the institution in response..
In 2020 Bulgaria exported commodities worth USD 31.8 billion, a drop of 4.4% compared to the pre-pandemic 2019 when exports amounted to USD 33.4 billion. Bulgaria climbs to 58 th from 60 th position in 2019 among all exporters globally...
“The recovery and resilience plan must be submitted to the European Commission because its contents can be altered afterwards but the deadline can’t,” Radosvet Radev, President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) said in an interview with..