Often Bulgaria becomes the focus of foreign media because of the fence erected along the border with Turkey, aimed to stop the influx of refugees. Sometimes showing more understanding, but always with a hint of criticism, authors say that the..
The police in the Republic of Macedonia held recently a major antiterrorist operation in a few towns and seized nine people on suspicion of connections with the radical organization Islamic State. Most of the detained are recently back from Syria and..
De nuevo tensión entre Atenas y Ankara a causa del espacio aéreo El estado mayor de Grecia informó que 10aviones de caza turcos violaron siete veces el espacio aéreo griego en la parte noreste, central y sudeste del Egeo. Las aguas territoriales..
El ministerio de Economía de Bulgaria anunció su intención de abrir representaciones comerciales de este país en Cuba, Méjico y varios países norafricanos. Se está sopesando asimismo el envío de agregados comerciales a Singapur e Indonesia. La..
ABD Dışişleri Bakanı John Kerry’nin Sofya ziyaretinden 6 ay sonra Bulgaristan Dışişleri Bakanı Daniel Mitov, iki devlet arasındaki stratejik diyaloğun gözden geçirilmesi için ABD’yi çalışma ziyaretinde bulunuyor. Ocak ayında Kerry ve Mitov, bu diyaloğun..
Six months after the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Sofia, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov is on a working visit to the USA for a review of the strategic dialogue between both states. In January Kerry and Mitov agreed that the..
Esta semana el presidente montenegrino, Filip Vujanovic, ha visitado Bulgaria. Tres meses antes de esto estuvo en Sofía el primer ministro de Montenegro, Milo Dukanovic. La frecuencia de las visitas a más alto nivel insinúa que existe gran interés..
The President of Montenegro Filip Vujanović paid a visit to Bulgaria this week. Prime Minister Milo Đukanović was also here three months earlier. The frequency of such high-level visits is an indication that mutual interest in promoting the relations..
Bulgaria’s President Rossen Plevneliev and Bulgaria’s Minster of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov paid an official visit to Ukraine in a moment of high tension between the EU and Greece. This was the first visit of Bulgarian head of state in the past..
Yunan krizinin Avrupa Birliğinde yarattığı gerginlik anında Cumhurbaşkanı Rosen Plevneliyev ve Dışişleri Bakanı Daniel Mitov, Ukrayna’ya resmi ziyaretinde bulunuyor. Bir Bulgaristan devlet başkanı bu ülkeye 12 yıl boyunca ziyarette bulunmamıştı...
"В настоящее время у Болгарии нет законной возможности перенаправить средства из Плана восстановления и устойчивости (ПВУ) на оборону и вооруженные..
В марте начнется широкомасштабная информационная кампания по введению евро в Болгарии. Об этом сообщила министр финансов Теменужка Петкова на слушаниях в..
Публика прогнала посла Российской федерации в Болгарии Элеонору Митрофанову с церемонии открытия художественной выставки. Незадолго до начала события..