A meeting was hosted this week by Bulgaria’s Black Sea port of Burgas of the coast/border guard leaders of Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia. The forum represents an efficient regional model for sharing responsibility and..
Durante la semana que despedimos en la ciudad portuaria de Burgas sesionaron directores de los servicios fronterizos y de custodia costera de Bulgaria, Rumanía, Rusia, Turquía, Ucrania y Georgia. El foro es un exitoso modelo regional de responsabilidad..
Bulgaristan Cumhurbaşkanı’nın hükümetin istifası münasebetiyle parlamenter güçlerle ayrı olarak yaptığı siyasi danışmaların olduğu gibi Milli Güvenlik Danışma Konseyi’nin dünkü toplantısı da, sadece varsayımlar çizdi, ancak siyasi krizden somut bir..
After the resignation of the government, the Bulgarian president conducted political consultations with the parliamentary forces individually and then convened the Consultative Council on National Security, yet neither came up with any specific way..
A la sortie de la réunion du Conseil consultatif de sécurité nationale auprès du Président, on n’en sait pas plus sur les moyens de sortir de la crise politique. Les discussions sur qui est comment va former un gouvernement de transition n’ont abouti..
Al igual que las consultas políticas que el presidente de Bulgaria mantuvo por separado con las fuerzas parlamentarias en relación con la dimisión del Ejecutivo, la reunión del martes del Consejo Consultivo para la Seguridad Nacional también ha esbozado..
On Tuesday Bulgaria’s printed media focus again on last week’s riot at the migrant center in Harmanli. Trud daily informs that Bulgarian policemen will face pre-trial proceedings, which, according to the Trade Union Federation of the Employees of the..
At the referendum on November 6 this year two and half million Bulgarians voted for the introduction of majoritarian voting system. After such a strong call for change, the biggest parties in the country - GERB and BSP decided, despite some hesitations,..
Amid political tensions surrounding the resignation of the Bulgarian government, public opinion in the country has been seriously worried this week over yet another riot in a migration center, this time in the southern town of Harmanli. Resentment..
Tras las numerosas emociones en torno a la dimisión del gobierno y las tensiones políticas provocadas por la misma, la opinión pública nacional se sintió fuertemente preocupada en la semana que termina por el enésimo motín en un centro de acogida..
Во времена разделений, в которые мы сегодня живем, все важнее держаться вместе и поддерживать друг друга, заявил президент Румен Радев на торжественном..
Пятнадцатилетняя Малена Замфирова завоевала серебро в параллельном гигантском слаломе на этапе Кубка мира по сноуборду в Крынице-Здруй, Польша...
Основное нарушение, выявленное при проверке результатов последних парламентских выборов, связано с учетом действительных и недействительных голосов,..