Recently 12 people have been detained in Bulgaria including leading football players from A Group, for alleged match fixing. The operation for detainment started last Tuesday, however the investigation actually kicked off nine months ago. It was..
Ditët e fundit në Bullgari ishin ndaluar 12 persona, ndër të cilët futbollistë të dalluar të grupit “A” për “manipulimin e rezultateve të ndeshjeve sportive”. Aksioni për ndalimin e tyre filloi të martën e kaluar, deri sa hetimi ka filluar 9 muaj më..
Only after one day, on Monday, the GERB party which won the most votes in the elections is to start talks on forming a new government with the other seven formations in the future Parliament. Negotiations are to be held in two phases of seven days,..
One day after the day of national mourning, declared on Friday because of the tragic accident at the munitions factory in Gorni Lom, Northwestern Bulgaria which killed 15 workers, people in the country have been asking a lot of disturbing questions..
A week ago Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva cautioned Bulgaria may be affected by a gas crisis similar to the 2009 crisis, when due to complications in the relations between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian gas supply to the country via..
Başbakan Yardımcısı Ekaterina Zaharieva Bulgaristan’ın doğalgaz krizinden olumsuz etkilenebileceğini uyardı. 2009 yılı başında cereyan eden gaz krizi, Moskova ve Kiev arasındaki gerginlik sonucunda Ukrayna’dan geçen Rus doğalgazı kış ortasında..
Hace una semana la vice primera ministra, Ekaterina Zaharieva, advirtió que es probable que Bulgaria sea afectada por una crisis de gas similar a la ocurrida a comienzos de 2009. En aquella ocasión, a causa de las complicadas relaciones entre Moscú y..
La prensa nacional dedica atención especial hoy a un sondeo realizado por la Gallup Internacional de los ánimos electorales en el país. Bajo el titular “El pueblo desea gobierno de coalición” el diario Trud señala que el 39% de los búlgaros que..
Aujourd’hui la presse accorde une attention particulière à l'étude de l’agence Gallup International sur les attitudes électorales dans le pays . Dans son article intitulé « Les gens veulent un pouvoir de coalition », le quotidien Troud écrit que 35,9%..
Dans une tribune publiée dans le quotidien STANDART, la commissaire européenne Kristalina Guéorguiéva qui dans la nouvelle Commission européenne sera chargé du Budget et des Ressources humaines assure que dans les 7 prochaines années, la Bulgarie sera..
Протестное шествие под слоганом "Феминизм, а не милитаризм" началось митингом у здания Судебной палаты в Софии. "8 марта мы не празднуем. 8 марта мы..
Ночью на воскресенье, 9 марта, погода над Болгарией будет ясной и почти тихой. Минимальная температура составит от минус 3° до +2°, в Софии – около..
Официальной церемонией и Шествием толерантности "Мы помним" в Софии была отмечена 82-я годовщина спасения болгарских евреев и почтена память евреев,..