Desde comienzos de 2019 hasta el pasado mes de junio se han registrado 2896 accidentes que se han saldado con 254 víctimas mortales y 3653 personas heridas, señala la estadística de la Policía Nacional de Tráfico. Las causas residen, las más de las..
You are about to go on holiday in several days or hours and you have already made your holiday plans. In few kilometers you will reach your holiday destination and you cannot wait to leave your car and forget about the problems and the tasks at..
Many think collecting is a hobby for rich or famous people who collect artwork, weapons, expensive old cars, and more. This passion, of course, requires big spending. But the truth is that not every collector needs a lot of money. Most often..
Koleksiyonculuk, sanat eserleri, silahlar, pahalı retro arabalar ve daha pek çok şey toplayan zengin veya ünlü insanlar için bir hobi olarak popülerdir. Bu tutku elbette harika paralar gerektirir. Ancak gerçek şu ki, her koleksiyonun çok fazla paraya..
Faire collection d’œuvres d’art, de voitures de luxe vintage et de tout ce qui peut nous passer par la tête serait dans les cordes des riches et des people, car pareil hobby demande des finances plus que considérables. Pourtant il n’est pas..
Hollywood’da gişe rekorları kıran filmlerin yapımında rol alan Bulgarların sayısı henüz fazla değil. Ancak az sayıdaki bu kişilerden biri şüphesiz adının günümüzün en popüler animasyon filmlerinden bazılarının yapımcıları ile birlikte yazılan..
Le nombre des Bulgares qui ont participé à la réalisation de films super-coûteux et à succès à la Mecque du cinéma Hollywood n’est pas très nombreux. Anthony Christov fait parte de cette élite et son nom est inscrit sur la liste des réalisateurs..
Bulgarians involved in the creation of box office hits in Hollywood are still few and far between. One of them is Anthony Christov who has worked on some of the most popular animated films of our time. As artistic director of the world famous..
L’Agence nationale des recettes (ANR) a rendu compte des mesures prises à ce jour suite à la récente cyberattaque perpétrée à son encontre. Un changement des mots de passe est recommandé, ainsi que des codes d’identification personnelle que..
The National Revenue Agency /NRA/ has reported on the work done so far in connection with the recent hacker attack against its database. Changing passwords and personal identification codes, which the Agency issues to citizens, has been..
Pe 2 martie, în Sala Bulgaria din Sofia, Orchestra Filarmonicii Naționale bulgare și maestrul Naiden Todorov vor prezenta Dansul Nestinarsky de Marin..
Nu va exista o renumărare a buletinelor de vot de la ultimele alegeri parlamentare din octombrie 2024. Comisia Electorală Centrală (CEC) s-a întrunit..
Bulgaria beneficiază de condiții climatice favorabile pentru producerea energiei electrice din surse solare, inclusiv în sezoanele de tranziție, primăvara..