Bu yıl üç büyük milli şenlikte folklor, gelenek, görenek, özel hayvan cinsleri fuarları, yarışma, müze sergileri görülebilecek. Söz konusu şenlikler, Veliko Tırnovo, Smolyan ve Razlog’da yapılacak. “Gelecekte Miras” Vakfı’ndan organizatörlerin..
La présentation d’un nouveau livre, une soirée littéraire, une académie d’écriture ou encore la rencontre avec un auteur connu ou débutant, nous rend toujours heureux. Même si tout un tas de questions se bousculent dans la tête. Combien sont les..
Three major festivals for authentic folklore this year are going to mix folk traditions, ethnography, exhibitions of traditional animal breeds, races and museum displays. These include the Fifth National Festival of Sheep Breeders in the region of..
Politicians, military men, scientists, writers, artists ... These are just some of the Bessarabian Bulgarians who have contributed to making our country the place we know today. Among them are the first rector of Sofia University - academician..
Políticos, militares, escritores, artistas del pincel. Sólo se trata de una parte de los búlgaros residentes en Besarabia que han contribuido a que Bulgaria sea el país que hoy conocemos. Figuran entre ellos el primer rector de la Universidad de Sofía, el..
"Le tourisme est le vecteur principal de la culture d’un pays" - a déclaré l’Ambassadeur de France Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes lors de sa visite à Veliko Tarnovo dans le cadre du Salon International du Tourisme "Le tourisme culturel" 2016. Et il a..
Dövme bilezikler, el işlemeli nakışlı gömlekler, renkli önlükler, gaytanlar ve oyalar... İnsan, Ulusal Etnografya Müzesine girdiği zaman bütün renklerin büyüsüne kapılmış oluyor. 20 Nisan gününe kadar müze salonları, halk ve el sanatları ustaların..
Bracelets made of wrought iron, embroidered shirts, colourful aprons, beautiful braiding… The magic of colours brings a smile to the faces of anyone entering the National Ethnographic Museum. Until 20 April the premises will be an arts and..
Des bracelets en métal forgé, des chemisiers richement brodés, des ganses et des dentelles et autres broderies…La magie des couleurs inspire et illumine l’âme des visiteurs du Musée National d’Ethnographie. Jusqu’au 20 avril ses salles seront..
The demolition of the tobacco storehouses in Plovdiv and Harmanli raised again the topic about the preservation of the national cultural monuments in Bulgaria. Hundreds of other buildings across the country share the destiny of the recently..