A growing number of little Bulgarians leave this country with their families - this is the sad statistics of the educational ministry. The data is really shocking: 9,784 children, aged 6 – 18 have left in 2016 only. This is the population of a..
Eğitim ve Bilim Bakanlığının son derece üzücü bir istatistiğine göre, ülkeyi terkeden Bulgaristan çocuklarının sayısı gittikçe artıyor. Gerçekten veriler dehşet verici - sadece bu yıl zarfında 1. sınıftan 12. sınıfa kadar 9784 çocuk ebeveyenleriyle..
16 ile 22 Eylül günleri arasındaki dönemde Sofya’nın park ve sokakları, tiyatro salonları ve kamuya açık mekanları, kukla, playaço ve cambazlarla dolacak. Başkentte “Kukla Panayırı” adı ile düzenlenen Uluslararası Sokak ve Kukla Tiyatrosu..
From 16 to 22 September, parks, streets, theaters and public spaces in Sofia will become points to meet common puppets, acrobats and weird puppet creatures, as Sofia will be hosting the 9th edition of the Puppet Fair, the International Street and..
Entre el 16 y el 22 de septiembre parques, calles, teatros y espacios públicos de Sofía se convertirán en lugar de encuentro con marionetas, payasos, acróbatas y seres fantásticos. El motivo de que sean parte del paisaje cultural de la..
Si buscan información sobre barrios artísticos en la red encontrarán centenares de ejemplos de tales espacios en el mundo entero. Los hay en Los Ángeles, Oklahoma, Portland, Londres, Cracovia, Barcelona. Allí los artistas tienen espacio propio donde..
Tucked among hills, sinking into silence and memories of the past – this is what our vision of a Bulgarian monastery is. That is why, children’s clamour, paintings, balls and running small feet, which welcome us in the yard of the Kremikovski..
A l’approche de la rentrée des classes, les parcs, les jardins, les salles de spectacle et les lieux publics à Sofia deviendront un lieu de rencontres des marionnettes, des clowns, des acrobates et des créatures féeriques. En effet,..
Des immeubles désaffectés, des tunnels oubliés, des bunkers et des villes et des villages dépeuplés et en ruines. Non, on ne parle pas d’un film d’horreur mais d’une sorte de tourisme peu connu en Bulgarie – l’urbex. Le mot vient de l’anglais et..
Abandoned buildings, forgotten tunnels, bunkers or depopulated villages and towns in ruins… No, this is not a horror movie, but an unpopular in Bulgaria kind of tourism, named urbex, or urban exploration. Old castles, abandoned factories and..