author: Yoan Kolev

Koprivştitsa Folklor Festivali, UNESKO’yu da “fethetti”!

„Bulgaristan kalbimizde”. Koprivştitsa Folklor Festivaline gelen Japon turistlerinin T-shırtlarındaki bu yazı ile, her beş yılda güzel şehrin çevresinde bulunan yedi çayıra akın eden binlerce katılımcının heyecanını ve duygularını özetlemek için..

14.12.16 13:10 |

Le festival du folklore de Koprivchtitza, dans nos cœurs et sur la liste du patrimoine de l’UNESCO

„ La Bulgarie dans le coeur“. Cette « déclaration d’amour » qu’arborent   fièrement sur leurs tee shirts les touristes japonais, venus à Koprivchtitza à l’occasion du Festival du folklore et de la création authentique témoigne..

14.12.16 12:36 |

Folklore festival in Koprivshitsa – in people’s hearts and now, on the UNESCO list

“Bulgaria in our hearts”. These words on the T-shirts worn by Japanese tourists coming to the national folklore festival in Koprivshitsa are a good way to sum up the feelings of the thousands of people the event brings together once every five..

13.12.16 13:53 |

Taleb Rifai : „Un touriste ne peut se sentir bien dans un pays dont les habitants sont malheureux“

Sofia a accueilli le Congrès international des civilisations mondiales et du tourisme moderne qui est un événement organisé dans le cadre de l’Année internationale du développement durable du tourisme 2017. A la rencontre ont participé des..

05.12.16 14:54 |

Sofya’da BM “Dünya medeniyetleri ve modern turizm” kongresi yapıldı

BMT tarafından dünya çapında sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve turizm yılı ilan edilen 2017 yılının arifesinde Sofya, Dünya Turizm Örgütü tarafından “Dünya medeniyetleri ve modern turizm” adı ile düzenlenen uluslararası kongreye evsahipliği yaptı. Irak,..

02.12.16 15:07 |

UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai: "To preserve a place, we need to respect it”

On the eve of 2017, declared by the UN for International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Sofia hosted an International Congress on World Civilizations and Modern Tourism organized by the World Tourism Organisation. More than 100..

02.12.16 14:28 |

Taleb Rifai:”Para conservar un lugar se lo habrá de respetar y habrá que vivirlo”

En vísperas de 2017, proclamado por la ONU, Año Internacional del Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo, la capital de Bulgaria ha sido sede del Congreso Internacional de las Civilizaciones Mundiales y del Turismo Moderno, organizado por la..

02.12.16 13:24 |

La catedral patriarcal San Alejandro Nevski celebra su fiesta patronal

El 23 de noviembre la catedral patriarcal San Alejandro Nevski celebra su fiesta patronal y homenajea a su patrono, San Alejandro Nevski. El santo cuyas reliquias mortales se conservan en el templo inspiraba a las tropas rusas durante la Guerra de..

23.11.16 13:35 |

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral downtown Sofia marks its patron saint’s day

Today the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral downtown Sofia marks its patron saint’s day. The cathedral was built after the 1877 – 1878 Russo – Turkish War and named after the Russian saint whose relics are kept inside. The temple expresses the gratitude of..

23.11.16 13:29 |

Day of Christian Family celebrated by Bulgarian Orthodox Christians

As the winter is getting closer and the Christian world anticipates the Nativity of Christ, the Orthodox Church honors the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. Its celebration started in 715. Willing to learn more about it, we visited..

21.11.16 13:29 |