author: Diana Tsankova

International team seeking herbal antioxidant treatment for severe diseases

Herbal antioxidants are on the way to becoming an alternative to vitamins and minerals, according to an international team of scientists, including Associate Professor Nikolay Tsvetkov from the Institute of Molecular Biology at the Bulgarian..

17.02.19 08:10 |

María Yurukova transforma camisetas viejas en lindos objetos para interiores

Hace un año María Yurukova descubrió su causa ecologista, este pequeño desvelo por la naturaleza que contribuya a que el mundo se transforme en un lugar estupendo para vivir. La campaña “Tejer con hilos de camiseta” vio la luz en respuesta a la..

15.02.19 11:33 |

Maria Yurukova transforms old T-shirts into beautiful interior items

A year ago, Maria Yurukova discovered her environmental cause - that small doze of care for nature which would help her make the world a wonderful place to live. The „Knit with a T-shirt“ campaign was born in response to gloomy..

15.02.19 11:09 |

La Prof. Slavia Burlíeva: “En toda Europa las cátedras de bulgarística se van cerrando a cambio de la rusística”

Mil ciento cincuenta años después de la dormición de san Constantino Cirilo El Filósofo, el 14 de febrero del año 869, su obra sigue vigente y, además, científicos de una serie de países continúan estudiando sus ricas vida y obra. Por esto también hoy,..

14.02.19 14:01 |

Slavia Barliéva : "En Europe, les chaires de langue et littérature bulgares ferment et sont remplacées par des facultés de langue russe"

1150 ans après la dormition de Cyrille ou Constantin le Philosophe (le 14 février 869), son œuvre est non seulement vivante, mais des scientifiques de nombreux pays étudient toujours sa vie et son activité. C’est..

14.02.19 13:33 |

Prof. Slaviya Bırlieva: Bütün Avrupa’da Bulgarca bölümleri kapanıyor, Rusça bölümler açılıyor

Aziz Konstantik- Kiril Filosof’un vefatının (14 Şubat 879 yılı) 1150. yılında onun icraları hala canlı ve zengin hayatı hala araştırma konusu oluyor. Tanrı önüne intikal edişinin tarihini andığımız bu günde Bulgaristan, Almanya, Yunanistan, İtalya,..

14.02.19 11:15 |

Prof. Slavia Burlieva: All of Europe's universities close their departments in Bulgarian studies in favour of Russian studies

One thousands one hundred and fifty years after the assumption of St. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher on February 14, 869, the legacy of his deeds is not only still alive, but scholars from a number of countries keep studying..

14.02.19 10:11 |

Equipo científico internacional, en busca de tratamiento de enfermedades graves, basado en hierbas antioxidantes

Los antioxidantes a base de hierbas medicinales están a punto de convertirse en una alternativa a las vitaminas y los minerales. A esta conclusión ha llegado un equipo internacional de investigadores del que forma parte el científico búlgaro Nikolay..

12.02.19 16:34 |

Tütün dumanıyla süzülen zamanların ve nikotinli hikayelerin sergisi

Tütün dumanında islenen hikayeler, insanlar, eşyalar ve fotoğraflardan oluşan bir sergi ziyaretçileri eski dönemlere geri çeviriyor. Plovdiv’de “Duman. Türün hikayeleri” başlıklı sergi şehrin “Tütün kenti” olarak bilinen muhitinde açıldı. Tütün..

10.02.19 08:00 |

Plovdiv and Matera preparing joint film festival

Plovdiv and Matera – the two European Capitals of Culture with ancient history, have turned to traditions, looking for similarities between them. But they are also looking forward to getting to know each other through the language of art. When..

09.02.19 10:05 |