author: Diana Tsankova

The newest village in Bulgaria is located in one of the cleanest locations on the planet

By a government decision, as of this year the St. Constanine vacation village overlooking the town of Peshtera in Southern Bulgaria, is the newest village in the country. Besides having a turbulent past, it located in one of the cleanest..

22.08.19 12:47 |

Chloe Rahal está haciendo su segunda película búlgara

Chloe Rahal, hija del actor búlgaro Bashar Rahal, quien ha realizado numerosas apariciones en producciones cinematográficas hollywoodenses, está participando en su segunda película búlgara. Recientemente, Chloe fue la laureada del concurso..

20.08.19 16:16 |

Young actress Chloe Rahal to star in second Bulgarian movie

Chloe Rahal is daughter of Bulgarian actor Bashar Rahal, who has played many roles in Hollywood movies. Chloe Rahal is currently shooting in a second Bulgarian movie. Recently, she has become a winner of the American National Youth Arts Awards...

20.08.19 14:45 |

Dimitar Ivanov, l’homme qui parle avec le ventre…

Ensemble sur la scène, ensemble dans la vie. Lui – jeune acteur qui incarne les rôles les plus absurdes et comiques, et lui – une marionnette qui vit à cheval entre le communisme et la démocratie, qui avance d’un pied avec confience dans..

17.08.19 08:00 |

El ventrílocuo Dimítar Ivanov y su muñeco, el tío Taño

Dimitar Ivanov es el único ventrílocuo en Bulgaria. Si bien él se ha especializado en mantener la boca cerrada, su compañero en el escenario, el muñeco Tío Taño, habla hasta por los codos poniendo el mundo en orden: moraliza, se queja, tiene..

17.08.19 08:00 |

Sıbi Atipov ile İspanya’da yaşayan Bulgaristan göçmenleri üzerine

İspanya Navarra’da yaşayan Bulgaristan göçmenleri kendi imkanları ve emekleri ile çocuklarının anadillerinde eğitim görebilmeleri ve vatanları ile bağlarının kopmaması için dört okul açmayı başarıyor. Bu güzel girişim Satovça belediyesi Koçan..

16.08.19 16:08 |

Sabi Atipov: Emigrants would return when Bulgaria caught up to more developed European countries

Bulgarian expatriates in Spain havemanaged with their own resources and efforts to open four schools in the northern part of the country /mainly in the region of Navarra/, so that their children could learn their mother tongue and preserve their..

16.08.19 15:45 |

Rayna Knyaginya - Kurtuluş sonrası ilk diplomalı ebe

Ulusal özgürlük idealini simgeleyen bayrağımızı işleyen Rayna Knyaginya, tarihi hafızamızda Kurtuluş sonrası adanmışlığıyla yer alacak. Sofya’da yaşadığı ev müzeye dönüştürülürken, orada ilk diplomalı ebe olması hakkında..

14.08.19 12:55 |

Rayna la Princesa, la primera búlgara graduada en Obstetricia después de la Liberación

Rayna Popgueorguíeva, llamada por el pueblo búlgaro Rayna la Princesa, fue una de las figuras más emblemáticas del Levantamiento de Abril de 1876,  episodio glorioso de la gesta de liberación de Bulgaria de la dominación turca que..

13.08.19 15:39 |

Rayna Knyaginya – the first qualified midwife after the liberation of Bulgaria

Rayna Knyaginya, the woman who embroidered the flag symbolizing the national ideal of liberty, will also be remembered for the noble mission she dedicated herself to after the country’s liberation in 1878. Her home in..

13.08.19 12:19 |