La aldea de Podkova se encuentra en los Ródopes orientales, apenas a 15 kilómetros de la frontera con Grecia. Son pocos los turistas que visitan esta villa ya que está ubicada al margen de la carretera pero los que viajan hasta allí lo..
A total of 160 cyclists from all over Bulgaria and from Romania are setting out from the town of Vidin under the motto “The river, Dobrudzha and the sea”, on August 27 and 28 along a 700-km. long route – from the Northernmost points of Bulgaria at..
El inicio de la más importante regata turística en aguas del Danubio TID-2022 fue puesto el 25 de junio en la ciudad alemana de Ingolstadt. Casi 150 aficionados entre remadores y kayakistas se han animado a participar en el recorrido del..
La economía europea pierde más de 620 millones de euros al año por el absentismo laboral causado por depresiones, desgaste profesional y tensión psíquica, señala un informe del Parlamento Europeo Del 30 al 35% de los búlgaros relacionan..
Between 30% and 35% of Bulgarians associate their psychological distress with workplace problems. The mental health of the population has deteriorated significantly amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the lockdowns, the economic crisis and the war in..
The village of Podkova is located in the Eastern Rhodopes, just 15 kilometers away from the border with Greece. It is located away from the main road that leads to the "Makaza" border checkpoint, so casual travelers rarely stop here, but those..
Once upon a time in the Bulgarian tradition, it was not accepted for women to play musical instruments, and even less so when it comes to wind instruments. But over time the taboos fall and nowadays there are not one or two talented Bulgarian..
The information coming in from Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast this summer seems contradictory. The tourist industry can’t seem to agree what kind of season they are having. Some say it is a slow season, others are satisfied and say there is a..
El flujo de turistas extranjeros que visitan Sofía ha aumentado un notable 139% durante el primer semestre de 2022 con respecto al mismo periodo de 2021. Suman mayor número los turistas de Alemania, Rumanía, Israel, Italia EEUU, Grecia y Gran..
Los operadores turísticos han registrado un aumento de los turistas que visitan Bulgaria no para descansar en la costa del mar Negro, sino para gozar de una vivencia en medio de la naturaleza de este país. Todavía no han sido alcanzados los..
Podul Giurgiu-Ruse va fi închis complet traficului rutier, timp de 12 ore, în două intervale distincte din luna martie, din cauza lucrărilor de reparație,..
Miniștrii Agriculturii din Bulgaria, Ungaria, România și Slovacia au cerut Comisiei Europene să restabilească cotele de import de dinainte de război..
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei destinații pentru o plimbare plăcută în inima muntelui, puteți alege secțiunea Lakatița a Muntelui Rila. Vă sugerăm să..